Canada Getting The Hell Out.........

Trudeaux the 2d says no more Jet Fighters to fight ISIS.

The people elected him to do just that.

How many more of the 60+ nation coalition that we hear so much about will follow?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why not. Obama's not in it to win it. As much as liberals suck on foreign policy, Trdeaux sees the futility of asking his soldiers to die for nothing more than political cover.
Damn judy he is a liberal.
Is he pro-global warming? Will Canada be back in the Kyoto Protocol, especially after price of oil has tanked?
Why not. Obama's not in it to win it. As much as liberals suck on foreign policy, Trdeaux sees the futility of asking his soldiers to die for nothing more than political cover. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That brings someone else to mind... oh yeah, shrubya
Watch the 7 minute video but pay attention at the 6 minute mark... Bronco Bama sent his 0zombies to Canada to insure communism of the north...