more republicans leaving

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

the count has gone up to 41 republicans leaving.

Trey Gowdy being the lastest.

the count is actually higher when you think about it, there were vacancies created when some of the house members became part of the Trump administration. I think there were at least 6 vacancies made last year. so, it's up to like 47 total.

still that is a record breaking numbers.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm going to confirm, but an explanation was time limits on committee chairs with representatives not wanting to seek re-election if they are going to lose their chair positions. Gowdy was one.
NoTell's Avatar


Trey Gowdy is awesome on TV, but that does not mean he is as advertised!!!
LexusLover's Avatar

Originally Posted by NoTell
The same folks "calling" the 2018 elections were the ones "calling" 2016, and celebrating over the special "off season" election results. The "special election" victors have a regular election coming up! Those are two different animals.
bamscram's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm going to confirm, but an explanation was time limits on committee chairs with representatives not wanting to seek re-election if they are going to lose their chair positions. Gowdy was one. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm not sure the 6 year term limit on chairs is a good idea. committee powers apparently get concentrated on pork barrelling and policy barrelling. there is apparently a disease of entitlement on power positions within the ranks of powerful house members.

there should be 2 year term limit on chairs, this way other reps can get a crack at being chairman of other committees. this way reps don't get bent out of shape when losing chairs.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2018, 01:19 PM
filbert, you should be more worried about gerrymandering than term limits
NoTell's Avatar
Donald can play a round of golf, fuck a porn star, tweet who is fucking up the world, and eat at McDonalds before you Liberals get up!!

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, if you're a moderate republican and have campaigned like a moderate republican for years, you have a choice. Begin to campaign like a populist conservative (and deal with the shouts of hypocrisy) or try to keep doing what got you there in the first place (but doesn't seem to be working now). So much easier to retire, go back to what you did before, become a lobbyist, write a book, make speeches, or teach school. All the choices the rest of us don't really have.
Big d....the sheeples president. Make you daddy proud no tell. He raised you to follow the other ignorant racist rednecks. Twit head will crash the Obama economy soon and of course....blame Obama n Hillary n of course the FBI
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
filbert, you should be more worried about gerrymandering than term limits Originally Posted by WTF
why that? gerrymandering is a political process that is more art than science.

I'm not worried about that.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2018, 02:36 PM
why that? gerrymandering is a political process that is more art than science.

I'm not worried about that. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You evidently have not studied the science of gerrymandering. . .
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You evidently have not sgudied the science of gerrymandering. . . Originally Posted by WTF
all one needs to know is that the politicians pick their voters.

1 precinct from another disctrict is added and subtracted to match the voter count with certain variables and done multiple times til you get yourself a safe seat!

we've been doing that for 200+ years.
winn dixie's Avatar
Donald can play a round of golf, fuck a porn star, tweet who is fucking up the world, and eat at McDonalds before you Liberals get up!!

Big D - THE PEOPLES PRESIDENT!!!! Originally Posted by NoTell
Great quote. I would like to expand it a little. Trump is a workaholic, he only sleeps about 3-4 hours a day! If that!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2018, 03:04 PM
Great quote. I would like to expand it a little. Trump is a workaholic, he only sleeps about 3-4 hours a day! If that! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Fat Fuck needs to incorporate a little exercise into that workaholic schedule!