Trump DHS pseudo scientist leaves list of Super Bowl security gaps on plane weeks before the Super Bowl.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Trump shows disregard for Americans who like football. Most people know that trump couldn't play football because of his bone spurs. He found he liked the excuses he could use while being back on his heels could be used until his daddy could bankroll his lifestyle. So because he couldn't play he hates those who can. And because he was afraid to go to the Super Bowl he hoped there would be a terrorist attack using anthrax. With the cold and flu "epidemic" going on, he hoped it would not be noticed and taken back to cities who liked football.
Luckily CNN discovered the "lost/forgotten" security documents DHS employee was paid to leave behind on a commercial airplane. Trump has known for weeks. Why no one punished or fired?
Why we all ask? Because it implacates trump.
If not for CNN's sense of duty to the American people both football and non-football fans alike, they knew when to report on this issue.

Unlike trump and fox and fraud friends.
Trump also shows total disregard for unity and for the truth while he continues feeding shit to his followers as they hold out their bowls, look at him with stupid but pleading eyes, and the say "Please sir. I want some more."

Have all you want bitches.... till next January.
Yawn .....
Remember when Obama's WH team exposed the top spy in Afghanistan?