BP Sara 979-922-3651 bait & switch

come play with sexy petite italian! - 28

Posted: Thursday, October 25, 2012 7:51 AM
Reply: click here
Called Sara in Pasadena and and set up a time. I arrived at the motel that I thought she was at. She was just down the street. She wanted me to get a room, which i refused until I saw her in person. When she came up to the car I knew right away, it was A BAIT AND SWITCH. She somewhat resembles the girl but is younger and about 30 to 40lbs heaiver. (pretty trashy looking) Said the pics were her and then told me no one uses their real pics. Attitude changed for the worst and I told her it wasn't going to happen.
Mr Willy's Avatar
You did the right thing. Good for you.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
She runs with a ghetto group, you can spot them because they always list the location as this girl did (Baytown,pasadena la porte).

One of her counterparts use to have the worst reviews on ASPD. One was called "oscar the grouches roommate" and it was hilarious. She also has stacked up quite a few bad reviews here in just the few months she has been back.
Sounds like you saved a lot of people trouble ! Thanks for the information!