Last night's speech was pure baloney from a president who had painted himself into a diplomatic corner; Putin bailed Obama out, and the speech was intended for the dumbed down audience who hasn't been following the Obama Syrian flubs.........Remember Obama's view on American exceptionalism (from a few years ago):

“I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."

Last night Obama gave us his soupy version of American exceptionalism for dummies:

"When we can do good with slight effort (and help ourselves too!), we should do it. “That’s what makes America different.”

This is American exceptionalism filtered through the mind of a man who doesn’t believe it.

credit to Scott Johnson at
dallasfan's Avatar
I thought he handled it well. Anytime you can avoid going to war is good. We don't need another Iraq or Afghanistan. We are just getting out of those messes. It's going to kill us economically for decades.
I thought we were supposed to punish dictators who gassed children so they wouldn't do it again. That's not my take but Obama's!

Putin just bought Obama and Assad time. Talking heads on various networks said the whole inspect, quarantine, gather and destroy chemical weapons in the mist of a civil war was unworkable.
In a speech intended to garner support, Obama can't refrain from dividing us:
"And so to my friends on the right, I ask you to reconcile your commitment to America's military might with a failure to act when a cause is so plainly just.

To my friends on the left, I ask you to reconcile your belief in freedom and dignity for all people with those images of children writhing in pain and going still on a cold hospital floor, for sometimes resolutions and statements of condemnation are simply not enough."
In Obama's world view, those on the right believe the military is for might (blowing stuff up and killing people) while people on the left believe in "freedom and dignity"......Obama is scum. Obama does not know America and does not understand what is to be American.
I'm kinda hoping a Dem will win the next one or Whirrly won't have anything to snivel about.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I thought we were supposed to punish dictators who gassed children so they wouldn't do it again. That's not my take but Obama's!

Putin just bought Obama and Assad time. Talking heads on various networks said the whole inspect, quarantine, gather and destroy chemical weapons in the mist of a civil war was unworkable. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Not just the talking heads:

Odumbo's National Security Advisor Susan Rice "also threw cold water on the idea that the council would now uphold an international ban against the use of chemical weapons with sanctions or an authorization of force.

"'Let's be realistic. It's just not going to happen now.'"

Odumbo's Secretary of State, John Kerry: "Sure, he [Assad] could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week - turn it over, all of it without delay and allow the full and total accounting (of it), but he isn't about to do it and it can't be done."

"This most recent atrocity is particularly gut-wrenching... hellish chaos and terror... [of the August 21 chemical weapons attack] ..."those little children, laying on the ground, their eyes glassy, their bodies twitching." The Obama administration says more than 1,400 people were killed, including 400 of them children...

This cannot stand...As the one indispensable leader in the world, the United States of America can and must take action - carefully, responsibly, purposefully - to reduce the chances of such an outrage happening again."

Anyone notice how National Security Advisor Susan Rice is beginning to sound like a Rumsfeld, a Cheney or a Bush?
No one wanted to punish Saddam when he gassed the Kurd s.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No one wanted to punish Saddam when he gassed the Kurd s. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So, in your devolved, prosmian mind, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, you have convoluted that Odumbo should bomb Syria because Reagan didn't bomb Iraq? Fuckin' war monger!
So, in your devolved, prosmian mind, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, you have convoluted that Odumbo should bomb Syria because Reagan didn't bomb Iraq? Fuckin' war monger!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Again proving you are the dumbest mother fucker on the board.You are unable to comprehend simple statements posted for the simple. Keep offering your ass to the Trannies it is what you do best. They have fucked what little brain you had out. Keep on kissing Putin's ass commie prick.
So EVA, WTF is Obama foreign policy doctrine ?

I don't think he has one; other than to weaken America's standing in the global community.
You tell me whirr-a -gig you check all the blogs and have all the answers ..
I B Hankering's Avatar
Again proving you are the dumbest mother fucker on the board.You are unable to comprehend simple statements posted for the simple. Keep offering your ass to the Trannies it is what you do best. They have fucked what little brain you had out. Keep on kissing Putin's ass commie prick. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Due to his infinitesimally small and limited intellectual abilities, Ekim the Inbred Chimp has once again returned to ad hominem attacks reflecting subject matter with which he is personally very familiar.
See post #8 and shut the fuck up about attacks you own what you start.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You teawipe fucktards are confused (well, that's not really news). One would think that every one of you pissants have a talking-head job on some TV network manufacturing "news" or controversy. You suck at both, by the way.

Let me run it by you short bus riders and I'll try to use little words to make bigger the slight chance for your understanding:

1. If "Putin's" strategy works, then a lot, not all, of the chemical weapons go away. "All" isn't in the picture with a civil war going on.
2. If Russia and Syria slow play this and hang it up in the UN Security Council, The President Elected (AGAIN) in 2012 will bomb the shit out of Syria, blow up a bunch of the chemical and biological weapons and maybe kill some al Qaeda while he's at it.

Either way, we stay out of there. Fuck 'em (and you teawipes, too) if they can't take a joke.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You teawipe fucktards are confused (well, that's not really news). One would think that every one of you pissants have a talking-head job on some TV network manufacturing "news" or controversy. You suck at both, by the way.

Let me run it by you short bus riders and I'll try to use little words to make bigger the slight chance for your understanding:

1. If "Putin's" strategy works, then a lot, not all, of the chemical weapons go away. "All" isn't in the picture with a civil war going on.
2. If Russia and Syria slow play this and hang it up in the UN Security Council, The President Elected (AGAIN) in 2012 will bomb the shit out of Syria, blow up a bunch of the chemical and biological weapons and maybe kill some al Qaeda while he's at it.

Either way, we stay out of there. Fuck 'em (and you teawipes, too) if they can't take a joke. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
"Al Qaeda-linked groups operating alongside Syria’s rebels are growing stronger, analysts told Congress on Tuesday, countering recent claims by the Obama administration and some senior lawmakers that extremists are playing only a marginal role in the civil war."

Read more: on Twitter

So explain again, Randy4Andy, how Odumbo's bombing of Assad and Assad's WMD depots is going to kill al Qaeda jihadists -- rebels -- fighting on the side that Odumbo intends to support with his bombing missions.