technically it wasn't sex, but... the 1st time I visited the Diamond Cabaret in Sauget, Il, 2 girls were dancing on the same stage. They beckoned me over and had me stand against the edge of the stage. They spread my arms out and told me to hang on to the stage. One lay on her back and bumped her crotch against the throbbing bulge in my trousers. She was bumping so hard that it was tough to keep against the stage. Then the other lady sat down and wrapped her legs around me and ground her g-string against me almost making me cum. It was exciting to have simulated sex while everyone in the club watched. Unfortunately, the club sold out to Penthouse, and has never been as good since.
on the balcony at the DFW Hyatt hotel while planes landed and took off. when finished she sat on the rail and "cleaned" up. Was with the signicant other so we were BB. Was very arousing knowing thousands could have seen us in the act.
Does this count..... It was in a "hole in the wall" SC in Nashville.... I was there about 3 minutes....I was the only guy in the "audience." I was almost ready to turn around and walk back out.... It was really nasty.
But the dancer leaving the stage needed my $20 bad, because she bee-lined it to me and sold me a private dance. We walked to this side room and I fell into this couch in the corner.
She lost all her garments and danced around for just a minute or so and then pulled a stool over and opened up the Y and I said Ahhh.... She started fingering herself and I was trying to keep from getting arrested... I could not tell if someone was watching...
We weren't half way through the song when she reached down and grabbed my hand and stuck my finger deep in the Y... It was tight.... It was hot....It was more than I could fathom....
I lost it right there in my pants.... There was no stopping it. I was totally amazed with what had just happened.
I jumped up and found the men's room to clean myself up. There wasn't a door on the restroom partition, or on the restroom. It was amazing and it was awful all at the same time....
I haven't thought of that experience in a long time. I got arrested for a whole lot less in a Memphis SC, a couple years later, and my hands never left my jeans pockets, and she still had her bikini on. Yeah, Nashville has been interesting, but Memphis was an awful experience...
Overlooking the state capital, huh? I've experienced a lot of interesting places over the years, but one of the most exciting was one evening on the front steps of the state capital. That used to be a rite of passage for some of us...
Memphis Peabody. 5th floor..Hallway telephone desk. Attempting to call front desk to confirm that I was accually on 5th floor. Presidense of sexual act over ruled confirmation.