~ ♥ ~ once again NOT with an agency ~ ♥ ~

I am so surprised this is still an issue! I DO NOT work for ANY agency,I DO screen my clients. OK concerning the whole agency thing i USED to work for Diamond International and then in NWA a friend of mine was working on opening Arkansas babydolls and Angels of the night I went to NWA to help her (all BEFORE I showcased here as an independent) recently a newbie and I had a appt. and he has NEVER put a review up and DIDN'T EVEN KNOW i had been screening him throughout our conversations,He more than innocently placed an ad in the agency providers and ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. Seems as instead of just getting the facts from the source about the whole incident speculations are being made, So please ANYONE if you have any questions address them directly to me, I would certainly appreciate the chance to clear things up before they are misconstrued beyond control, EVERYONE have an awesome day and be safe love ali
Rogersguy's Avatar
Hi Ali.

Thank you for clearing this up. I saw your ad this past weekend on BP and the number listed was not the same number as you have listed here.

And upon googling the number listed on BP, some agency names popped up for the number. So I guess that's why I started wondering what was going on.

Thanks for taking the time to clear this up!
Lateralus's Avatar
So you're not with an agency? Ha, just kidding! I was confused for a while there, too, but I had a nice PM with the lovely lady and she cleared it all up with me. Here's hoping for her safe and successful time as our companion!
Sydney Pure's Avatar
Sweetie No Worries!!!

Keep Doing YOU !!!
and have FUN!!!

Nice talking to ya other day!!!
Thanks you all for your support and kindness,I started to feel a little targeted lol maybe I overreacted a lil bit! Seems for every bully you meet on the playground you also meet 3 REALLY good friends! Syd ready for that drink date about right now LMAO!
Xion.Tartarus's Avatar
That was my bad.

I thought Agency meant "Verified Provider on Eccie" and Independent meant "BP / CL / not connected to Eccie"

Sorry again Ali*Cat ( & to anyone confused )
Multiple threads on issue also serve to raise the flag again... it has been hashed out with various opinions stated. Let's just look forward and not rehash history.

If others want to discuss any concerns, feel free to PM me.
