Photo attached to PM

Hi. I can not seem to figure out how to add a photo to a PM. Just a bit more information, I am using an IPhone and intend to upload from my photo library on my phone. Thanks!
There is no image attachment button in private messages. In order to insert a photo into a private message, you will have to first upload the photo to an image hosting site and then paste the link into the message & enclose it in image brackets. Example [img] link [/img]. I use
Note that you’ll want to turn off your phone’s photo geotagging feature if you are
concerned about your location details being discoverable. If it’s a photo you’ve already taken, you can remove the metadata with an application called Koredoko if you’re using IOS. Not sure about Android but there must be something similar.
Thank you so much. I would not have figured this out independently. I sent a test to Ginger Doll and believe it worked. One problem I found is that the hosting site does not support large images typically taken with an iphone and resizing took several steps. No problems though. Now it is there and can be uploaded easily. Thanks again.