Why unemployment will keep rising...better get used to it!

For those of you looking for someone to blame for high unemployment, here's your culprit. These jobs are not coming back people and you might as well get used to high unemployment rates until your Tea Bagger congress writes some legislation that provides incentive for the multi-nationals to bring the jobs back here. I have some more bad news for you, these jobs were all sent away while these multi-nationals were enjoying Bush tax breaks. The next person who says to you tax breaks are incentive for job creation should be kicked directly in the taint.

U.S. Commerce Department data released this week show that U.S. multinational companies, which employ a fifth of all Americans, cut their U.S. headcount by 2.9 million during the 2000s, while hiring 2.4 million people overseas.



SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I can't argue with you. I work for one of the largest companies in Austin and over the past few years I have seen numerous white collar jobs previouslyl done in the U.S. move to Mexico, Singapore, India, and China. Just to save a few dollars. Can't argue with the quality of the work being done though. However, the time difference does impact my work -- a note sent to China rarely gets responded to on the same day. That delay can be critical.
I find it amusing every time the unemployment numbers go up another 10th of a percent, the media covers the partisan bickering and no one can decide on who's to blame. Even more amusing that everyone always seems so suprised like they were expecting something to change. Never once do the media or either party truly address the fact that our jobs are simply being sent away to third world countries, and these tax-dodging multinationals are actually the source of our economic woes, costing this country revenue and jobs.