Another example of "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder"...
Maher = one sick fuck.
Just another reason that the left has lost all credibility.
Ann is probably right. The jurors are more than likely a pack of liberals.
Conservatives only want the guilty to die. Libs only want to kill the innocent.
Had Caylee Anthony only died two years earlier. In the womb. We never would have even heard of her.
BTW, class warfare won't work. Never has. Never will. After all, don't we all aspire to be "the rich"? The ones who really do create and maintain jobs in this country. Or, are you happy just being part of the middle class?
The victims.
I suppose we should get ready for another round of layoffs. In the aviation building industry. You know? Those "middle class" people who build those corporate jets that get sold to "the rich". Reminds me of the 90's and the "yacht tax". What a fiasco that was.
democrats... The party of unintended consequences.