Yo Mama is so.....

I was treated to nearly a half hour of side splitting 'yo mama jokes' last night from a pack of wayward highschool kids at the pool. Here's some of my favorites:

Yo mama is so nasty her farts caused global warming!

Yo mama is so old she bought her ticket to Noah's Ark on Craigslist!

Yo mama is so hairy she gave you carpet burn when you were born!

Yo mama is so fat she broke the stairway to heaven!

Yo mama is so poor that when she goes to the park ducks throw bread at her!

What are some of the best 'yo mama jokes' you've ever heard?

*disclaimer: these are light-hearted jokes and in no way reflect any intention to harm or otherwise offend all of the wonderful mothers out there.
....wait, so what pool was this that you hang out at?
Nightman's Avatar
Yo mama's new job is sniffing bags at the airport!
northtexastaxman's Avatar
Yo momma's teeth are so NASTY, when she smiles, traffic doesn't know whether to slow down or go cause her top teeth are yellow and her bottom teeth are green.

Yo momma is so fat, the hospital told her that her blood type is "cream gravy".
rcg001's Avatar
Yo momma is so bad she has been on "Cops" 5 times...so even made the recap show!

Yo momma is so old she dated Noah, and the reason he really built the ark was to get away from that crazy bitch.

Yo momma's so fat I took a picture of her and it is still developing.

Yo momma is so dumb she thinks gorilla warfare is two monkeys fighting.
Yo mama is so ugly she could scare the flies away off a shit wagon!

Yo mama is so ugly she gives Freddy Krueger nightmares!

Yo mama is so fat she looks like she's smuggling a Volkswagen!

Yo mama is so fat I had to take a train and two buses just to get on her good side!
Yo mama is so dumb she got fired from the M&M factory for throwing out all the candies printed with "W"'s!

Yo mama is so fat when she wears stilettos she strikes oil!
....wait, so what pool was this that you hang out at? Originally Posted by gpws4cfit
I'll give you a hint: You can see it from an airplane!

Yo momma's so fat I took a picture of her and it is still developing. Originally Posted by rcg001

Yo mama is so ugly she could scare the flies away off a shit wagon! Originally Posted by xavierz21
That's some good ol' redneck yo mama sheeeit right thurrrrr!!!! bahahahahaaaa good one!!!

Yo mama is so fat when she wears stilettos she strikes oil! Originally Posted by Hellion437
That's a yo-mama-so-fat-problem I'd LOVE to have!!!! Ka-CHING!!!
JK1982's Avatar
Yo mama's so fat she jumped up in the air and got stuck...
Yo momma is so fat she walked in front of the TV and I missed 2 commercials.

Yo momma's teeth are so yellow, I can't believe it's not butter.

Yo momma so fat, she bleeds Ragu.

Yo momma is like a doorknob. Everyone gets a turn.


Let's get off of mommas, because I just got off yours!
Your mamma's so fat she got arrested at the airport for transporting 10lbs of crack
Yo mama is so stupid, the first time she used a vibrator, she cracked her two front teeth!

Yo mama is so stupid, if she spoke her mind, she would be speechless!

Yo mama is so stupid, she shoved a cell phone up her ass to try to make a booty call!
Your momma is so fat the last time she jumped into the ocean she produced a Tsunami ... LOL