RIP Tony Soprano

TexasDave555's Avatar
Sad day..... good man off the screen and a real talent. RIP Big Bing.
MrDark's Avatar
WOW I just read this I can't believe it, I'm shocked what a great talent, he had so much left in him. I loved his role in the Sopranos RIP Boss!!!
Amen.....a great guy, at such a young age, 51. w/a young child as well.
rcg001's Avatar
I really loved the Sopranos. He was perfect for the role of Tony and his conflicts with his family (his mother, Junior, his wife) was epic.

FYI, the inspiration for the show was the Medici family of ancient Rome.
pyramider's Avatar
He was great in the Mexican.
mansfield's Avatar
Very sad but man, he must have put on another 100 pounds since Sopranos went off the air. That kind of weight issue it's just a matter of time......
LazurusLong's Avatar
Amazing actor and although he was best known for the Sopranos he was much more than just a drawn out HBO series actor.

Do some research and you'll find he was nominated for other types of work and it always seemed like he brought his A game to every role.

Sad that at 51 he is gone but don't just blame the weight. Sadly, that kind of weight may have just been a symptom of a bad heart slowing down before it failed and it saddens me that no one around him got him to a heart specialist to get it checked out.

Lost a neighbor in a very similar fashion where he gained a lot of weight in a short period of time and turned out his ticker was failing and the weight gain was a symptom
I went to Colorado Springs for a business trip one time in the early 2000s, height of Soprano's popularity, and the only car they had for me to rent was a Cadillac. Guy at the rental counter told me I looked like Tony Soprano. I drove that Cadillac all over Colorado Springs like I owned the place, nailed my meetings, and flew home whistling Sinatra tunes.

RIP, the world is a bit smaller without him around.