My apoligy to the public.

Jenna Wild's Avatar
I showed my ignorance and i was trying to get over a valid point.
I am just out raged and believe providers should look out for each other.
Some one should stick up for the new providers around here.

*Mods Please close the thread as it does not need any replies.*

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
You had no valid point. All you were doing is trying to make me look bad. Did one other provider, in co-ed, or the ladies area say that I treated them badly? No, they didn't.

You flat out LIED about me - the not giving out references crap to newbies (or anyone) is total BS. And you "TRIED" VERY HARD [unsuccessful] to make me look bad. You went so far as to post stuff from the ladies only area.

Now that your buzz is coming down, your not so tough. I despise you.
dearhunter's Avatar
Dammit.........I blinked
I want the television right and movie rights to this drama.....dudes, we could all be rich, what is in next week's sequel?????hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Just playing, I hope you ladies work it out....alyssa, I am only wrong 99% of the time, and if you don't believe my wife will vouch for it!!!!
Himmler's Avatar
carkido45's Avatar
Geez Brook tell us what you really think of Alyssa !
mrhunt's Avatar
she's touching me
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Damn Brooke - let it go; she posted this apology and you have to start up the shit again.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I will never let this go. She flat out lied about me and is still talking shit about me in the ladies room.

She earned herself an enemy for life.
Closed as requested. And stop and think before posting more drama.