It's a business, isn't it?

mastermind238's Avatar
There's been lots of talk lately about how many providers are struggling. For reasons that aren't altogether clear, the hobbying environment has changed quite a bit since i started.

For those ladies who rely on providing for a living, my question is ... Do you apply basic business principles to your business? For example, most business CEOs would tell you it's 10 times harder to get a new client than it is to keep an existing client. Yet many providers seem to rely on the first-time client.

I recognize that it's foolish to keep a lot of client info due to the possibility of unexpected LE intervention. But if a third party kept this info - a database of clients - would you use it to target "specials" to clients of your choosing? Assuming clients weren't opposed to receiving the occasional email or PM, would you use this client database to do private (i.e., off the boards) advertising to you established client base?

Just wondering if there's a business opportunity for a hobbyist who might like to see the ladies do better.
I am always willing to offer a discount to garner repeat business, and believe it is a wise business decision. The challenge comes when a 'customer' likes variety and chooses to partake from other 'venues'.
mastermind238's Avatar
I am always willing to offer a discount to garner repeat business, and believe it is a wise business decision. The challenge comes when a 'customer' likes variety and chooses to partake from other 'venues'. Originally Posted by Aphrodite
I'm thinking more generally than a "discount" (though we all like discounts). Say you've spent significant time in another city and have seen maybe 20 clients there. Rather than take a scattershot approach and post an "i'm coming" ad, you could send targeted ads to those 20 guys - or only the ones you'd really enjoy seeing again. Both approaches would work, and you'd want to post an ad anyway. But i think your odds of success go way up when you make it direct, personal, and exclusive. It works in other types of businesses.

I won't discount the issue of provider preference. Money is money, but if you could, wouldn't you focus on just those clients you really enjoy seeing?

I kept such a list for a provider once. Had more than 250 contacts (only by eccie handle, of course). She didn't dare keep this info anywhere that LE could discover it if the unthinkable should ever happen. I don't think she ever really understood the potential earning power.
You will be hard pressed to find Providers who will 'admit' they are slow and need the business. Every week I see 4-5 new Providers coming in the biz..

Not sure on the locals but Traveling girls think they have to break the bank.. so I dont feel sorry any of them.. if your phone is not ringing either lower your price or give more time at the same price or find another job...

This is not Little Sisters of the Poor Charity website....
mastermind238's Avatar
This is not Little Sisters of the Poor Charity website.... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
You're quite right. It's an Information Exchange website. Some information that i think is worth exchanging is about business practices. If "lower your price" is the most sophisticated business information worth exchanging, the entire system of capitalism is in peril. Why not help the ladies out? We don't expect all of our providers to have MBAs, do we?

When you see 4-5 new providers come on the scene, are they always still there a month later? I'd say a large percentage of the providers working 4 years ago are gone. Retired? Maybe. But a great many of them gave up because they couldn't make a living. If being a little more business savvy could have kept some of them in the business, we'd all be better off.
help them out? ..what about me? I went broke in 2009 and 2010. no one helped me out.. I found another job and started over...
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
help them out? ... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
I think "help them out," in this context, means selling them a service that is supposed to improve their business. Just reading between the not so subtle lines. Could easily be mistaken, though.
mastermind238's Avatar
I think "help them out," in this context, means selling them a service that is supposed to improve their business. Just reading between the not so subtle lines. Could easily be mistaken, though. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
We have a winner!!

Though i'm not suggesting i'd be the person to do it. But the fact is a lot of the ladies could use a business consultant. Problem is, the young inexperienced providers with the most potential are the ones least likely to realize that they need help with their business skills. I hate to see so much talent and potential squandered.
But the fact is a lot of the ladies could use a business consultant. Originally Posted by mastermind238

Alabaster Jones to the rescue!
mastermind238's Avatar
That's one way. But not what i had in mind.
Lil' Tex's Avatar
Lil' Tex's Avatar

I agree with your premise entirely. The girls that have managed to stay around and be successful also seem to have a better head on their shoulders. No coincidence there, I think...
The danger we run has already been highlighted above... In the eyes of the general populace here, If you try to help someone, you MUST be their pimp....
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 07-26-2013, 11:49 AM
That's one way. But not what i had in mind. Originally Posted by mastermind238
I hear what you are saying, but another VERY REAL element to all of this is the fact that:
1. If advice is given, they then NEED to follow through. I would tend to bet most would not. But there are a few that will.
2. Referring back to point one, the reason most won't is because they are in it for the quick buck, quick fix (non-mentionables here), or to see who they can screw (and not in the literal sense).

Not only is basic business education needed, but also financial management. The bottom line and hard core reality is, if the guys here didn't know how to manage their money, (and granted, I'm sure many don't) there is no way in hell these girls would have much business. If the majority of the guys here managed their money the way many of these girls do, we would all be broke in a matter of months. As well, if we made the income these girls could potentially make........

Stop and think about it. Let's take $200 and hr., and say a girl decides to see 2 customers a day (on average - meaning some days will be a bust and other days will make up for the loss) ... no more. Let's figure this out.

$200 x 2 = $400 a day

Now let's say she only wants to work five days a week

$400 x 5 = $2,000 a week

Now we all know that she will probably only be available three weeks a month

$2,000 x 3 = $6,000 a month

Now let's say she wants three weeks off a year (on top of the other 12 weeks due to Aunt Flo)

$6,000 x 49 = $294,000

I don't care how you slice the cake, if the potential is there to rake in close to $300K (plus) a year ... TAX FREE ... FOR A PART-TIME JOB ... and 12-15 weeks of time off a year ... even with expenses like hotel cost, supplies, hair, make-up, etc, etc, there is no doubt in my mind that every working girl should be making a very decent living, even if 1/3 of that is used up in the cost of doing business. So why don't they???


When I was an independent consultant there were times when I would go a month or more without a pay check. I had to learn how to manage my money fast. I had expenses like hotel, travel, car maintenance, etc. That simply meant I had to budget for travel, office expense, and everything else involved in keeping my business operational BEFORE my salary came into play. Because without the business, there was no salary. So if I made $2000 a week I didn't go out a spend $2000. It's so simple, yet so hard for some people to comprehend (men and women alike) that it blows my mind.
Ok, let me ask this: if I haven't heard from a favorite client in a month or so, I send a PM because I'm genuinely concerned about his well being (stress level). BUT I'm ways afraid that the hobbyist will read it as I'm broke and looking for business (which is only ever partially true - business is probably slow enough that I have time to think and go through my list of clients). So, if you receive an email from me, does it make you smile because I'm thinking about you or do you roll your eyes thinking that I'm just looking for money?

$200 x 2 = $400 a day

Now let's say she only wants to work five days a week

$400 x 5 = $2,000 a week

Now we all know that she will probably only be available three weeks a month

$2,000 x 3 = $6,000 a month

Now let's say she wants three weeks off a year (on top of the other 12 weeks due to Aunt Flo)

$6,000 x 49 = $294,000


Um, there are only 12 months in a year.