Early bird come get my worm.

CaptainMastPole's Avatar
I am looking for 1 hr. GFE to come to me around 10 a.m. this morning. I know it is kinda short notice so I am not even going to cross my fingers. Let see who stayed out late partying last night and who, like me, has no life and wakes up early. Please P.M. me.

P.S. I turn back into a pumpkin at 11 a.m. that is why I am looking for a 10 a.m. meeting.
CaptainMastPole's Avatar
Thank you ladies that responded. I am glad my ship did not sink and the sails stay deflated.
Tequila Rose's Avatar
Captain you are more than welcome to shoot me a text anytime with a last min request. If I am available and can make it happen I will. I shall PM you with my number darling.