Are you Mods back with letting TROLLS and LOW LIFE USELESS LOSERS HIJACK Reviews?

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 09-13-2019, 12:40 AM
- Asking because if that’s the case please COMPLETELY DELETE what is remaining of my profile here.

Back in the days you guys always allowed trolls, multihandles, mandles make a shit show of my reviews. I’ve never said anything because miserable haters never affected my business. And still doesn’t and it never will.

BUT at this point I’m sick and tired of having my Name slandered for no reason.
My last 3 reviews have been infested by trolls, multiple individuals who have NEVER met me or even communicated with me- writing Negative fucking PARAGRAPHS on my reviews.
Psycho ass Troll FrenchToast/Wolfwhistle/telephoneman saying some retarded made up shit.
Lame ass WANNABE “pornstar” LOSER slickrick281 with his pussy and LYING ass comment.
List goes on...

The point is, if this Site is now a REVIEW BOARD *ONLY* and yet you’re not going to monitor it and are going to allow it to be a SHIT SHOW like before. I WANT NO PARTS OF IT.

DELETE EVERYTHING under/with MY NAME. Thanks in advance.

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-13-2019, 12:46 AM
You can get in line and request for your profile to be deleted in link below, nothing will be erased though. This is the internet
She is right. She gets great reviews and the same guys chime in negatively in each of her reviews.
I don't see any point in that
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 09-13-2019, 06:31 AM
I understand where you're coming from, but when the N word is used, repeatedly... that's where I draw the line. Sorry Originally Posted by slickrick281


Typical LOW LIFE with identity acceptance issues who loves to play the RACE CARD after being NASTY and DISRESPECTFUL to someone for no reason!

How about you tell the whole story?

How about you tell it how it happened? YOU emailed me (out of the fucking blue) insulting me and accusing me of shit that you have no idea of, AND accusing me of “Harassing” on eccie when I have NEVER EVER directed one single post or pm to you??

Just because in your head you’re some type of Eccie celebrity because you write OVER HYPED BIAS reviews for DISCOUNTS/FREE PUSSY you think you’re special and you gonna disrespect me?? You got me Fucked up.

Speaking of which, shouldn’t you be busy with your other side hustle- Uploading the videos of the LOW standards hoes you see on Pornhub or whatever other porn sites for chump change?
Who other than a LOW LIFE BROKE fucked up trick would do something like that?

And don’t you give me that racial BS. A lot of the people I admire famous and in real life are black. I have no problem with black people and several GENTLEMEN here who actually know me can attest to that.

Chris Rock said it better: “there’s black people and there’s:


Based upon your attitude and behavior you know which category you fall under

allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
You shouldnt let comments om your reviews bother you so much. Guys here that actually know the site wont put any value on most of the comments anyway.
slickrick281's Avatar
This is just sad. If you want to just leave then just quietly go then. You're honestly just embarrassing yourself and proving my point what I past mentioned about you in the first place.
mochamagicman2's Avatar
N.M. is not racist at all. She's professional, a sweetheart and a genuinely nice person. I can vouch for her.
It seems some get butt-hurt if she won't see them then feel the need to attack
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 09-13-2019, 08:04 AM
LMFAO wow.
For everyone who swears up and down that N.M has a good "professional" attitude. Can't make this up, I just woke up to her harassing messages on P411 PM. Pasting this link in the Pm

Daring me to talk shit to her. If this is not BSC, I don't know what is. Originally Posted by slickrick281
You just can’t stop lying, can you??

I sent you ONE EMAIL earlier to the email YOU contacted me from Months ago. (To be specific my email was 2 sentences and the link to this thread)
Since you have so much to say about me come say it where I can defend myself.
Never have I ever pm you on p411. LIAR.


Quit trying to use that as a defense, it ain’t going to save you from me dragging your lying ass on here.

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 09-13-2019, 08:09 AM
N.M. is not racist at all. She's professional, a sweetheart and a genuinely nice person. I can vouch for her. Originally Posted by mochamagicman2
Thank you Baby.
It’s gentlemen like you who gave me hope and made me stay in this business since Day 1 (literally)

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 09-13-2019, 08:13 AM
This is just sad. If you want to just leave then just quietly go then. You're honestly just embarrassing yourself and proving my point what I past mentioned about you in the first place. Originally Posted by slickrick281
There’s nothing embarrassing about calling out a fucking LIAR.

You started this. I’m just trying to finish it
slickrick281's Avatar
You sent me one email. LMFAO..okay
You've sent me over 5 long email messages. Finishing what exactly? Something I commented back in March?
I don't need to lie, there's nothing to gain from doing that.

Thank you for the harassing P411 PM this morning.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 09-13-2019, 08:41 AM
You sent me one email. LMFAO..okay
You've sent me over 5 long email messages. Finishing what exactly? Something I commented back in March?
I don't need to lie, there's nothing to gain from doing that.

Thank you for the harassing P411 PM this morning. Originally Posted by slickrick281

I sent you ONE fucking email with literally 2 sentences and the link to this thread. You obviously have MENTAL ISSUES. PATHOLOGICAL LIAR PERSONIFIED.

Wtf is wrong with you? P411 PM?? What hallucinating shit are you on??

If that’s the case though REPORT ME on P411. P411 don’t play with shit like that and if In fact a provider was to “Harass” a member there they will take action.

Please Go and Report my Imaginary Harassing P411 PM to you.

Also Send the FIVE Imaginary emails I sent you this morning to the Mods here.

I’ll wait. PSYCHO.

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 09-13-2019, 08:47 AM
While at it please explain why you thought that it was ok to Post session videos WITHOUT providers’ consent to porn sites and profit from them?

Here’s a link to one provider calling you out on it:

Pathetic Low Life psycho.

slickrick281's Avatar
All I got to say is, if everything you're saying is true and I was making all of this up and was simply trolling, harassing ect. normally a person would brush it off and simply block them.
I hit a nerve because I called you out on your BS back in "March" and here you are making a dumb scene at my expense because your on your way out.

I'm at work right, don't have time for this bullshit. It's not hard to put the 2 and 2... together. It's in the link I posted earlier. I commented that you are BSC because I sent a inquiry to see Ari, but was communicating with you the whole time. A regular of yours privately message me about his unpleasant experience dealing with you and trying to be a manager for couple providers here. I privately messaged you to confirm it and you went full BSC...again, using racist profanity, told you to respectfully not to and you continued. I still have all the messages.
I only brought you up because someone else recently mentioned you have a attitude problem and I just agreed.. that's all

I moved on. If you want to look stupid with this thread... More power to you