I don’t know about y’all but I refuse to pay over 2 1/2 for non GFE who’s with me 😂😂😂 this site is getting more and more useless if you ask me
I don’t pay for non GFE period.
MAC4343 I don't want non GFE at all, but the real problem is they all have a different view of what GFE means !!! I just wish we were allowed to ask what the menu is for the donation paid. They either won't tell you, get pissed at you or not answer back & if you go see them you find out no I don't do this or that or they upsell !!!!
Read the reviews, the activities, the ROS & pick the provider accordingly that offers the activities you’re looking for. We’ve worn out the whole GFE discussion more than once on here. It’s a no win situation/discussion for us guys lol.
I agree FBSMLUVR I always look at all the things you mentioned, but sadly enough it sti sometimes happens.
I can see why every GFE could be interpreted differently. Depends on ones typa gal. Some guys like em real crazy, and don’t feel loved if their gf isn’t slashing their tires or flipping out.
Others prefer a church going gal. Guess that should be discussed ahead of time.

And if a girl doesn’t want to make it clear her do’s or dont’s before a gentleman arrives, I would politely decline to see her. That doesn’t seem fair to be bombarded with a bunch of donts after ur arrival.

But what’s good for the goose isn’t always good for the gander, in my opinion. Just cause you read ole dude got to fuck a gal in the ass don’t mean every dude is gonna get a go at it. Learn a little about the right way to do things before u just assume it’s fair game cause a girl is a hooker. I ain’t kissing someone with bad breathe, regardless how many dudes I’ve kissed before him.

We aren’t robots. Quit trynna make it so black and white, every person and situation varies.
It’s sex folks. U ain’t gonna vibe perfectly with everyone U get naked with. It’s not the end of the world.

GFE/ PSE should be abolished as terms to use. There are entirely too many factors at hand to label an experience as such.
FBSMLVR said it best, we have discussed this too many times with the same ole results.
YMMV, no matter what you read in a review or what your told.
Pretty much what Zgirl said.