Condoms for Mexico

4karlos's Avatar
One morning Mexico’s president calls Obama and says:
- “Hey Barack amigo, I need a favor, a really big favor. We have lots of troops helping with the narco situation all across the country and these guys need to have some relief but we ran out of condoms and I don’t want an STD surge. I need urgently a condom shipment and I wondered if you could help as we are mostly working for you guys hunting down the drug traffickers”.
Obama answers…
- ” Ok, Ok, I will call my friends from Durex and they will certainly help”
Mexican’s president says…
- ”Oraleee amigo…this is really nice of you….but wait a minute, these condoms are not for your troops…they need to be extra large, because my citizens are well hunged. We are very macho here and we need our condoms really big”
Obama start feeling irritated and ticked at the whole conversation and answers…
- ”yeah yeah I will send you the biggest condoms we have here”
Obama then hangs up and calls his friend over the Durex offices and ask him to get a shipment ready with their biggest condoms and also ask him for a special favor related to that shipment. The very next day a Military airplane lands in Mexico and delivers the condom shipment. The Mexican president is there receiving the merchandise, and once he opens the first box he is surprised at the big size of the wrappings and decides to open one of them and as he unfolds one of those huge horse-sized condoms, he can read the marking printed along the side of it, saying:
Made in USA – Size: Small
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