While a bit oversimplistic...if I were the house? I'd pass a budget (at least a short term one) that funded anything for the American people directly (entitlements, medicare, welfare, etc) but cut the sh*t out of everything else (PBS, foreign aide, any kind of defense that wasn't absoultely required, etc)...and send it to Reid for an "up or down" approval in the Senate. That would keep the doors open.That's been done. The House submitted a budget in mid-February, and the Senate rejected it.
The American people would be happy to get behind that...until there was a long term budget that really brought down our debt. Only the elitists would be cringing. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
While a bit oversimplistic...if I were the house? I'd pass a budget (at least a short term one) that funded anything for the American people directly (entitlements, medicare, welfare, etc) but cut the sh*t out of everything else (PBS, foreign aide, any kind of defense that wasn't absoultely required, etc)...and send it to Reid for an "up or down" approval in the Senate. That would keep the doors open.The Feb budget passed by the House in Feb may not have all the "provisions" you describe but yes, the HOR passed a budget and the Senate rejected it.
The American people would be happy to get behind that...until there was a long term budget that really brought down our debt. Only the elitists would be cringing. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Republicans need to get in front of this and write the narrative. They failed to do so in 2008 and it cost them the election. Simply find someone other than Boehner who might break down crying if someone poses a question about schoolkids not getting fed and press the point that the Republicans are doing their part in sending a budget to the Senate and the President but they opt to reject it forcing a govt shut down. Don't expound on it. Just say the bill is on Reid/Obama's desk.Admittedly, that is the "read between the lines" message.
Let the Democrats justify the shutdown. Originally Posted by gnadfly
We would quickly learn which Federal employees are non-essential! IMO any bureaucrat in Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, DHHS, HUD, Labor, ad nauseum, is non-essential in my twisted view of things governmental...You forgot to chop off the 3 biggest budgets: DHS, DOD and VA.
Huck Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
While a bit oversimplistic...if I were the house? I'd pass a budget (at least a short term one) that funded anything for the American people directly (entitlements, medicare, welfare, etc) but cut the sh*t out of everything else (PBS, foreign aide, any kind of defense that wasn't absoultely required, etc)...and send it to Reid for an "up or down" approval in the Senate. That would keep the doors open.Not so simplistic. I think we had something just like that around 1785, but check me on the date. I think Alexander Hamilton was the genius behind it. He understood the difference between credit and debt. To put it in today's terms, our current government approaches a budget like it is a Visa or Master Card. Hamilton always believed it should be more like American Express: You can't borrow more money until you pay off the last cycle of debt.
The American people would be happy to get behind that...until there was a long term budget that really brought down our debt. Only the elitists would be cringing. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
While a bit oversimplistic...if I were the house? I'd pass a budget (at least a short term one) that funded anything for the American people directly (entitlements, medicare, welfare, etc) but cut the sh*t out of everything else (PBS, foreign aide, any kind of defense that wasn't absoultely required, etc)...and send it to Reid for an "up or down" approval in the Senate. That would keep the doors open.True.
The American people would be happy to get behind that...until there was a long term budget that really brought down our debt. Only the elitists would be cringing. Originally Posted by Rudyard K