We all Failed

HedonistForever's Avatar

Cuomo admits 'we all failed' at making coronavirus projections

I see this as sort of a vindication of Trump. What Cuomo is essentially saying, is that all the information given to Trump was wrong. This includes Dr. Fauci who I and others have said all along, got it wrong from the get go and was the main reason for the accusation that Trump didn't act fast enough. Now, no less than the Gov. of New York admits what I knew months ago. The "experts" didn't know what the fuck they were talking about and in my opinion, still don't.
  • oeb11
  • 05-26-2020, 01:50 PM
Cuomo means that it is not his fault he sent nursing home patients with Wuhan virus into the homes to infect other vulnerable and high-risk patients.

and thus, he deserves a bailout for his policies of sending people out to party into the virus, complete unpreparedness, and the NY debt - despite the highest tax rates of America which - are not enough to bail out his socialist regime.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Cuomo admits 'we all failed' at making coronavirus projections

I see this as sort of a vindication of Trump. What Cuomo is essentially saying, is that all the information given to Trump was wrong. This includes Dr. Fauci who I and others have said all along, got it wrong from the get go and was the main reason for the accusation that Trump didn't act fast enough. Now, no less than the Gov. of New York admits what I knew months ago. The "experts" didn't know what the fuck they were talking about and in my opinion, still don't. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

this link should work.


Cuomo admits 'we all failed' at making coronavirus projections

to no one's surprise this isn't trending much on the msm. lot's of FOX and local coverage. of course this is using the FOX news title. let's see how the msm handles this .. or not.

The biggest thing the experts got wrong was the amount of people that contract covid19 but had zero symptoms. So temp checks did not catch people that were spreading the virus. Also early testing was only testing people with symptoms, so they were still missing lots of people. This is quite different than most viruses. The only blame is China for covering up the data, and not stopping international travel