This may be a stretch but

ajlybj's Avatar
How many lusty Lads and Ladies will be out there running the Houston Half Marathon this Sunday? What a way to while away the miles, wondering who is a gentleman and who is a provider on the course??

Maybe I can hire a provider to run in front of me, talk about a carrot on a stick! I guess that would be a 3 hour session : p Bring your own lube.

If you are, then Good Luck!!
tbone77494's Avatar
Probably a few dudes. I can't think of one hooker I've seen who could make it that far. I often mention how much I run during chit chat, not one has said "oh, me too." And I like the skinny ones.

On a related note - I did the last 8 miles of a marathon a few years back staring at the thong outline showing through the sweaty spandex pants of this smoking hot blond chick. Kept my mind off the pain.

I've put out a few times for an ISO of a session that is a short run before the action starts. Never could find a willing and able lady.
sexy.princess's Avatar
I'm considering the Alzheimer walk. As for running, nope. I don't want to reinjure myself.
ajlybj's Avatar
On a related note - I did the last 8 miles of a marathon a few years back staring at the thong outline showing through the sweaty spandex pants of this smoking hot blond chick. Kept my mind off the pain. Originally Posted by tbone77494
Nice one. Browsing while running is a good distraction! Those body hugging outfits certainly make life more interesting!

This is an appetizer run for the one in January.

Sex after a long run is great as your body feels purged and ready to go!
Bng at mile marker 11?
pyramider's Avatar
Why is it runners always look like they are in pain?
The average whore in Houston will be found in front of a buffet line rather in some kind of marathon that requires physical effort.
Three hours for a half marathon, You may want to increase your training.
ajlybj's Avatar
Nice one Mythos, I should have thought of that.

Pyramided, the readers digest version of the answer is yes, but if it's one of the elite runners they are probably taking a dump ... shit happens on the run!

Wolfie baby, be nice! I'm no gazelle let me get that straight, but i need a hobby to clear my mind (other than this one). I embrace the pain as a distraction to all the usual crap. I will confess to having dreams of pizza at mile 24!
ajlybj's Avatar
3 hour session if I was to pay a lady to run in front! Need to round up the time and probably add in a fetish tip! 2 hours 30 should do it with time to stop for a beer. Cheers!
Good luck, sir.
I've been steadily trying to get my half marathon time under 2 hours and im almost there.... unfortunately I will not be running this weekend.
ajlybj's Avatar
Put down that donut StillNaughty! I clocked a 2:13 2 years ago and 40lbs lighter, fighting my way back.

Thank you VOH.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Date February 999,

Dear Diary,

When will the fuckery end? Kill them already....
I'm considering the Alzheimer walk. As for running, nope. I don't want to reinjure myself. Originally Posted by sexy.princess
That's the funniest reply to a thread all week.