Does anyone know how much it costs to..

Does anyone know how much it costs to re-register a vehicle?

My mechanic told me yesterday that my registration is due on the 27th of this month, and I have no idea how much its going to be.

Any info would be great, Thnx!
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Thank you JC
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Glad to be of service.
ben dover's Avatar
Actually just look at your current registration, it's printed on it and the new one will be within a couple dollars. BD
Thnx BD I'm gonna check that when I take the dog out for her walk.
Ok, so I looked on the registration on the window and it does not say.

But I also looked at the DMV link that JC sent and it says it could be upwards of 140$
I have a huge conversion van, could that be right 140$ to re-register a it?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Originally Posted by JohnnyCap

You are too funny JC
Ok, So i figured it out

Transaction Name: Renew Registration
Amount Due: $125.00

I'm a little short

But I have until Monday the 27th so wish me luck!

Thnx to JC and BD for the help I appreciate your fast responses to my question.
You can always put it one a credit card which will give ya an extra month to pay it off. You don't want to get pulled over by LE and get ticketed for driving with an expired registration.
I don't have a CC
Plastic Man's Avatar
I don't have a CC Originally Posted by Angel14609
but you have interweb access and apparently own a car?
Yes I do have internet and a vehicle.
Just crap credit so can't get a CC.
Angel- Or in your language: 2.5 B&G's errr car dates in your soon to be unregistered van. NYS DMV mails you your registration renewall info about 1 month prior to your expiration date. But in order to do so, they would obviously need your your current address.