Why do some providers act like flakes?

Yesterday I tried to hook up with a certain provider who had great reviews. I was to goto lewisville and call her for further directions. After half an hour of driving I called, and after another half hour of waiting called quits. She still has not tried to contact me, or given a reason for acting like such a flake. Is this some sort of "hard to get" behavior? Did she get into a car crash and is hospitalized? She couldnt have rejected me for appereance, she never saw me. Im wondering if anyone else has experienced similiar things.
OK, wait 2 days for a call. If none, then post it in the Alerts section.

And really, you think only "some" of them are flakes. It's a much higher percentage than that. It may even push the superlative.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Hopefully nothing bad happened and if not that is VERY unprofessional & unacceptable. Charles is right about the alert. Sorry that happened to you
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-12-2011, 02:01 PM
And really, you think only "some" of them are flakes. It's a much higher percentage than that. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Just as a reference point - what percentage is "some"?
Just as a reference point - what percentage is "some"? Originally Posted by Doove
Think "high" "higher" "highest"
Chica Chaser's Avatar
With no explanation, likely she got a better offer after your call. Double-booking is pretty common and unfortunately you got the short end of the stick.

All of these should be outed in the appropriate alert forum and the lady held accountable for her actions.
shit happens....session may have ran over, got offered to do a party, or might have still been with me.
Yesterday I tried to hook up with a certain provider who had great reviews. I was to goto lewisville and call her for further directions. After half an hour of driving I called, and after another half hour of waiting called quits. She still has not tried to contact me, or given a reason for acting like such a flake. Is this some sort of "hard to get" behavior? Did she get into a car crash and is hospitalized? She couldnt have rejected me for appereance, she never saw me. Im wondering if anyone else has experienced similiar things. Originally Posted by newbutunoriginal
Why do some providers act like flakes? For the same reason some clients act like flakes, namely because they ARE flakes.
Sometimes people suffer from burn outs. I do all the time. Im not saying this is the situation here, but just what I've personally experience. I do cancell appointments all the time, or reschedule. Sometimes we all need a breather., This buisiness can be stressful. Usually when someone goes AWOL it's because they need a break. The reason she maybe didn't contact you is because she didn't want the hassle of being begged or pleaded, when she was already stressed out.
Also, I forgot to mention. One time I was sick and I let the guy know. I had a cold. We resceduled the next day, but I was still too sick to meet the man. I told his this. He offered more and more money for me to come. He started to beg and make me feel terribly bad and guilty. I told him, look I'm sick do you really want to catch this cold and bring it home to your wife and kids?? He said he wasn't worried about the common cold and would take his chances. Anyway, I told him no. I was too sick to meet him, plain and simple. I didn't need to be hassled. I'm sorry for having to cancel, but that particular time I was sick. Clients need to respect us when we are unable to provide. Rightfully so, we should ALWAYS let you guys know and NOT make you go out of your way.
Sometimes people suffer from burn outs. I do all the time. Im not saying this is the situation here, but just what I've personally experience. I do cancell appointments all the time, or reschedule. Sometimes we all need a breather., This buisiness can be stressful. Usually when someone goes AWOL it's because they need a break. The reason she maybe didn't contact you is because she didn't want the hassle of being begged or pleaded, when she was already stressed out. Originally Posted by incognito isis
Grow up and run it like a responsible business. If you look at WELL WRITTEN reviews, one of the key elements is TCB.

If any provider has an NC/NS in her history, I take a pass, no matter how attractive or compelling she is.
Chellablaine's Avatar
Thats just messed up to make you drive and have you call, then not answer at all. At least give you the respect of declining in the first place. You know, I know someone who would flake out on guys, found out later she was addicted to zanax(spelling?) and it zoned her out and she would stand everyone up. Could be something like that too, I know its pretty common for some ladies to take that stuff. But who knows, and also as far a good reviews, maybe some other guys had the same thing happen but were scared to post a negative review if she is popular. I say post it, then let them figure it out. It will probably get you an explanation since you know someone will call her about it. I bet she takes that phone call haha
Isis, you say that sometimes people suffer from burnouts. Then you add, "I do it all the time".

Perhaps you should have said, "Even I have on occasion".
I am sorry that happened to you...I personally email or find a way if I have to reschedule....On the other hand the guys can be just as flaky as some providers...Just goes with the hobby...Just know not everyone is like that...
geecue's Avatar
Why do some providers act like flakes? For the same reason some clients act like flakes, namely because they ARE flakes. Originally Posted by AngelOK
Very well put, right to the point.