Hostage Situation In Collieville Texas

It appears that a man has taken several hostages in a Jewish synagogue in a North Dallas Tx suburb.

It appears he is demanding the release of a female convicted of trying to kill US servicemen. She was handed a86 year sentence.

The news is reporting that he fully armed and expects to die.

Ongoing situation as I type.

A question. Should a FBI sniper take him out at the first possible moment?
bambino's Avatar
Military sniper.
Military sniper. Originally Posted by bambino
... Too right! ... I don't trust the FBI anymore.

"Russia collusion" and all-that.

#### Salty
The situation has ended peacefully...thank goodness!!
Hostage taker is dead.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hostage taker is dead. Originally Posted by Jackie S

happy ending
He is peacefully at rest...
winn dixie's Avatar

Clear message
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Hostage taker is dead. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Maybe he will get his 30 virgins after death. Or is it 25?

Anyway, fuck him and good riddance. That's just one less rabid dog on this earth... How big of a crazy piece of shit does one have to be to go into a place of worship and take hostages to free a fucked up imprisoned jihad bitch with power? That's a great strategy to set her free. What could possibly go wrong? Haha

Glad the innocent people were not harmed because that could have easily turned really ugly with those extremist freaks.
LexusLover's Avatar
Was he vaccinated? Or not?
It appears that a man has taken several hostages in a Jewish synagogue in a North Dallas Tx suburb.

It appears he is demanding the release of a female convicted of trying to kill US servicemen. She was handed a86 year sentence.

The news is reporting that he fully armed and expects to die.

Ongoing situation as I type.

A question. Should a FBI sniper take him out at the first possible moment? Originally Posted by Jackie S

That's a good way to end it.
LexusLover's Avatar
... Too right! ... I don't trust the FBI anymore.

"Russia collusion" and all-that.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
The "Russian collusion" had nothing to do with the rank and file of the FBI and particularly the "mechanics" at a separate level who improved their training and experience exponentially since Ruby Ridge. And I believe the group entering was identified as an "FBI Rescue Team" during which entry there were "explosions" and gunfire. Doesn't sound like a "sniper" to me, but I wasn't there. Few local/state departments have the same quality and level of training for such matters as does the FBI. Their special "teams" are almost separate operatives from the Goofball Administrators in D.C. that orchestrated the "Russian Collusion" lie with the Obaminable administration and they have had little to say publicly about THAT INSURRECTION!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Too right! ... I don't trust the FBI anymore.

"Russia collusion" and all-that.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Was he vaccinated? Or not? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Two brilliant comments.

Typical of the glib cynicism on display in this forum day in and day out.

Ok not clever enough to be glib and not smart enough to be cynical.

Ok let me rephrase that.

Not brilliant comments.
One note, the Feds are being very reluctant to release any info about the hostage taker.

The one thing they did say was……”this was not an attack against the Jewish Community”.


The perpetrator was a Muslim. He went to a community where less than 2% of the residence are Jewish. He attacked a Synagogue. He took a Rabbi as a hostage. He was demanding the release of an extreme Muslim Jihadist.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck.

And it is amazing how little they even know about this guy. When did he enter the Country, and how did he get here.

Or, to the point, it they seem reluctant to divulge any information on him. Could it be because this episode does not fit into the current narrative of,……..”the biggest threat to America is domestic terrorist(ie white guys who voted for Trump).”

If this was a crime carried out by some white guy in the name of releasing the January 6 perpetrators, it would have been the very first headline.

If the guy does prove to be a radical Muslim Jihadist willing to die for Allah, who dropped the ball?

What are the odds this guy came over our southern border in the past 12 months as part of The Idiot Biden’s policies and just “blended in” so to speak?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

What are the odds this guy came over our southern border in the past 12 months as part of The Idiot Biden’s policies and just “blended in” so to speak? Originally Posted by Jackie S
Slim. But I’ll stand by wait for you to provide some evidence of that conspiracy.