Provider Racism

defleppard's Avatar
This is such a touchy subject. First let me say that I am 100% against racism of any kind. Any human with one color of skin showing preference or disregard toward any other human with a different color of skin, just because of the color of skin is horrible - no matter which direction. We are all human and we all deserve dignity and respect regardless of the pigment we have.

That said, there is also the very real and personal issue of physical attraction. If a man were a sex worker serving women, and his skin was “Color 1” and he was not physically attracted to a woman with skin “Color 2” and because he isn’t physically attracted, he can’t get it up to serve her: Is he racist for refusing service?

If one human isn’t attracted to another human, for whatever reason: skinny, fat, tats, tall, short, hair type or color, eye color, some body part physical size or shape, etc. ad Infinitum... in the sex worker industry, is it discrimination to refuse service based on the lack of attraction in any area?

I mean, yes it is a service businesses and in any normal service business setting, it would obviously be discriminatory behavior to refuse service based on physical attributes; however, this is sex. Sex by nature requires mutual attraction and is a deeply personal issue.

I imagine that this issue is not going to be resolved anytime soon; but, WALDT, and right of refusal in the sex worker world seems to be acceptable on almost any area of personal taste, with exception to the growing issue of race. Given that personal and physical attraction is such an important aspect in the context of sex, it just doesn’t make sense to me.

That post isn’t a statement of judgment, but rather an acknowledgment that I don’t understand the depth and complexities of this issue enough to definitively say that a provider of any skin color refusing to see a client of any other skin color is actually racism.
We can have this racism debate again & again but in the end, people are going to do what they want to do. If a provider doesn't want to see a hobbyist because of his skin color/race, she won't. If a hobbyist doesn't want to see a provider because of her skin color/race, he won't.

You can call her "racist" and "evil" all you want, she's still not going to see that guy. She has her reasons and right or wrong, they're her reasons. Plus, even if a guy could force or guilt-trip a provider to see him when she doesn't want to...why would he want to do that? He would end up paying a lot of money for a mediocre unpleasant session. Who the heck wants that?

Is it unfair that pretty much all providers see white men but a good number of providers don't see certain types of nonwhite men? Yes it's unfair. After all, there are negative white clients as well, it's not like all white men are ideal hobbyists. Furthermore, whatever reasons that No AA providers give for not seeing black men like "black men are too aggressive" or "black men are pimps" can be solved through more thorough screening. The provider can just do more thorough screening, insist on recent reputable references, contact those references etc. instead of deciding to not see ALL black men (or any other type of nonwhite man).

So yes it's unfair but it is what it is and it's not going to change anytime soon. This issue has been hotly debated on ECCIE hundreds of times over the years and the No AA providers still don't see black men. It's not like they change what they feel so keeping on debating this issue is pointless.

It's unfair in the same way that life is unfair from the day we're born to the day we die. Look at short men for example. They're heavily discriminated against by both men and women throughout their life, especially by women. A lot of women can be very cruel towards short men. What should they do? Kill themselves? Protest online and elsewhere every single day about how life is so unfair and shitty for short men? Or accept that they're at a severe disadvantage because they're short men and move on with life, focusing on what can be changed & staying positive?
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Opinions are all over the board on this issue, but safe to say, the ladies can see who they want to see, and if that means that the biggest factor in that decision is skin color due to the non attraction or whatever reason she uses, well, you can call it racism, especially if your race is the one she does not wish to see, but it's a free country.
Bruce Fassbender's Avatar
Lol @ the physical attraction argument. If you don’t see the hole in that argument, then god bless you. Anyhow, a provider can do what she wants.
pyramider's Avatar
Does the OP discriminate? Probably. Does the OP see ladies of all ages, shapes, sizes, race, hair color? Probably not, why? Because the OP will claim it is his choice, or preference. The ladies can have preferences, can't they? Not according the gameless ...
what about the pimps, can they be racist?
goodolboy's Avatar
Lots of black providers who don't see black men, are they racist?
Whisky_1's Avatar
What about white providers who hobby with non-whites for purely economic reasons but not in their civilian life.....Are they racist?

White providers who who don't hobby with non-whites but date them as civilians.....Are they racist?

Just because a white provider refuses to see non-white clients does that mean they are racist?

goodolboy asks an interesting question. Can't blacks also be guilty of racism.

In my experience there are few things that bring to the surface the racial bias (explicitly or implicitly) in black women and white men alike than the sight of a black man "romantically" involved with a white woman.

Racism or Personal Choice....a better question is why would any admirer seriously insist on financially enriching a provider who does not what to see them for any reason?
I asked a provider why so many won’t see AA men. She told me that her reason was because several AA men she had seen turned out to be pimps. They wanted her to work for them and were intimidating and threatening. This scared her so she made the decision not to se AA men anymore. That decision was made because of fear, not racism. Unfortunately this profession has a history of violence. There are plenty AA providers who won’t see AA men.
Randall Creed's Avatar
It is accepted, condoned, encouraged, and supported.

You know what would be fun. If Eccie was a live place, where we had to occupy one room and instead of posting in threads, we had to get up and speak out in front of each other. I would love to hear how we all sound, speaking our posts instead of typing it on an anonymous keyboard.

I've been on this board for the better part of a decade, and this topic has had many flybys, a like a comet on a short orbit. It's never bothered me to see it over and over. Actually, it's somewhat reassuring to see it reborn from time to time...not because I like seeing it, but because of those four reasons above. Well, for the opposite reasons, that is. Not everyone accepts, condones, encourages, or supports it...but too many people do.

They're not the ones who are "burdened" with the discomfort of it. We are. Oh, God forbid. Having the nerve to feel some kind of way over being discriminated against.

I guess we're supposed to look downwards, making no eye contact, and say, "Yessa massa, Suh. I's understans I can' touch a white gul, suh!!"

"Oh, some black guls too, suh? Ok, suh! Undastood, suh!"

"A few Asians too, suh? Got it, suh! Latina too, suh? Yessa, ok suh! Undastood, suh."

"Just us, suh? We's the only one's dis applies to, suh?

Ok, suh."

It's a free world. I get it. Perfectly fine to be who you are. That said, I don't always know which one's worse, the discrimination/preferential part of it, OR the high fiving, patting on the back, 'way to go girl', fist bumping, wink and smile acceptance, condoning, encouragement, and support of it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
there is apparently Aeronautical Racism, too..

the Doctor looks like a Brick House, I guess the Stewardesses though there was too many bricks adorned on that body?

shame.. she looks like good Mile High Club potential.
there is apparently Aeronautical Racism, too..

the Doctor looks like a Brick House, I guess the Stewardesses though there was too many bricks adorned on that body?

shame.. she looks like good Mile High Club potential. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
That woman is a Doctor?

Shouldn't she eat healthier to set a better example for her patients?
Chung Tran's Avatar
That woman is a Doctor?

Shouldn't she eat healthier to set a better example for her patients? Originally Posted by friendly fred
fred, just because she has junk in the trunk, doesn't mean she has junk in her diet.

she's a black woman.. a thick, shit brickhouse black woman. God makes some of them naturally, and they can be a source of great pleasure if you allow it.
fred, just because she has junk in the trunk, doesn't mean she has junk in her diet.

she's a black woman.. a thick, shit brickhouse black woman. God makes some of them naturally, and they can be a source of great pleasure if you allow it. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I put her at age 34 or 35 and while I do not think her attire was inappropriate it does enable me to see that at that young an age she must be making poor nutritional choices to have her body shape which as I understand is pleasing to some but her BMI must be approaching 30 - which elevates the chance for lifestyle diseases and is considered overweight.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Lol @ the physical attraction argument. If you don’t see the hole in that argument, then god bless you. Anyhow, a provider can do what she wants. Originally Posted by Bruce Fassbender
The reason could be physical attraction, color of his skin, the way he talks, dresses or anything else, percieved or real, it does not matter the reason. Black guys will call it that she is being racist, but even if that were the case, we all have our preferences, however she got them and complaining about percieved mistreatment is not going to change anything. In fact, it makes the wall of separation get that much higher.

Sometimes playing the race card works for other situations in life, but when it comes to the hobby, everyone is pretty much set on their preferences. There is no rally, picket lines or the starting of the multitude of racism threads that are going to change anyone's mind.

Personally, I have friends and see girls in the hobby based on the content of their character that I can see and they have shown, not the color of their skin. And IMO, guys who keep playing the race card to try to guilt others to hold out their hand have no character.