Those pesky aliens are at it again!

CG2014's Avatar
I have seen 100s of alien invasion movies that began like this:

Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Battle L.A., Independence Day, Battleship, The Thing, The Day the Earth Stood Still, War of the World, The Arrival, etc etc

Those got to be spaceships.

A space rock doesn't just suddenly accelerate or change course in a split second.

I wonder what them aliens wants from us?

Our planet is polluted.

Our natural resources are dwindling.

Maybe they want salt water?

That we have plenty of.

Of they want food?

We have enough food source here to serve them 7.7 billion meals.

Hopefully they will look at us and just think we are not worth the trouble:

any intelligent life form that can travel through the universe

as easy as you and I getting into our cars and drive to the store

must view us as technologically inferior.

They may also see us as morally and medically inferior.

An universe traveling race must have already done

what we earth humans haven't been able to do in 66 million years:

completely eliminate poverty, hunger, diseases, war, social classes,

desire for materialistic things, pettiness, jealousy, the need to hurt and kill each other,

and girls that don't like facials, girls that don't swallow, girls that don't do anal, girls that say NO.