How Can Unemployment Still Be So High?

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Seriously. President Obama has been hiring new federal employees at the rate of 101 PER DAY since he took office! 101 PER DAY! And these employees make an average of $32K more per year than their private sector counterparts.

Here's the article:

You may have noticed some economic difficulties across the country in recent years among family, friends, neighbors, colleagues. One sector is doing quite nicely, however, under Barack Hussein Obama.

In the 1,420 days since he took the oath of office, the federal government has daily hired on average 101 new employees. Every day. Seven days a week. All 202 weeks. That makes 143,000 more federal workers than when Obama talked forever on that cold day in January of 2009.

Under Obama the total federal workforce has surpassed two million for the first time since the first Clinton term, now sitting about the 2.2 ,million level.

Now comes a new poll revealing that Americans know what's going on. A majority of Americans believes government workers make more money than private sector workers, according to the new Rasmussen Reports poll. Sixty-one percent of private sector workers believe that.

Surprisingly, Republicans, independents and Democrats are united in agreement that government employees have it better than private sector workers although, predictably, Dems are slightly less sure.

"The federal workforce has become an elite island of secure and high-paid workers, separated from the ocean of average American workers competing in the global economy," according to a report this year by the Cato Institute.

That report found the average civilian federal government worker collected just under $84,000 a year in taxpayer money, about $32,000 more than the average private sector worker. That's a total federal worker package of about $236 billion a year.

In his public outbursts during the alleged fiscal cliff negotiations, Obama has suggested that talks over federal spending cuts come later after his immediate favored tax increases.

Obama has frozen the inflated federal salaries into next spring, while the Republican platform in this fall's campaign called for a 10% reduction in the federal labor force through attrition. The reelected Obama seems unlikely to go along with that idea.

Congressional Republicans have also called for firing the thousands of federal employees who are behind in their income taxes but still somehow remain on the public payroll.

The latest IRS report said, for instance, that 36 of Obama's White House aides had $833,000 in unpaid back taxes.

According to Rasmussen, two out of three Americans are sure that company employees work harder than their lazy lay-about government counterparts. Only five percent think it's the other way around; they may belong to street repair crews (see photo above).

Even a plurality (48%) of government employees admit their private industry counterparts do work harder.

Hey, Assup! Still looking for a job? I hear Vice President Biden has an opening for Director of Gaffes. You would be great at that!

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