Is The SecondAmendment at Risk?

ICU 812's Avatar
"Gun Control" and the idea of banning "assault" rifles do actually have an effective pathway to implementation: Repeal the Second Amendment.

The Constitution has a clearly defined, multi-path mechanism for altering, replacing or abolishing any of the amendments to the constitution.

It has been done 15 times since we became a nation with a total of 25 amendments in all.

The prohibition of alcohol passed overwhelmingly after WW-I and was repealed just as quickly in the 1930s.

If banning all guns, or only some guns, is what our society wants, then repealing or modifying the Second Amendment is the way to get that done. Repeal will take the Supreme Court out of the discussion entirely.
why wouldnt it be at risk

free speech is at risk

freedom of the press is at risk

freedom of religion is at risk

rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures is at risk

or how about this one.....
the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
texassapper's Avatar
The only thing at risk here is the start of a bloody civil war. And just like the Revolution it will likely start when the authorities attempt to seize legally owned small arms.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Not a fan of the top down approach of infringing on our rights. Too slow and frankly the 1st 10 are pretty much a core part of the Constitution, so it was sale-able to get it ratified.

I say, why not start in the middle and work both direction simultaneously? There are 27 amendments, so the mid point would be between the 13th and 14th amendments. Let's start there and pause for a few decades and see if it helps.

why wouldnt it be at risk

free speech is at risk

freedom of the press is at risk

freedom of religion is at risk

rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures is at risk

or how about this one.....
the enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I'm sure plenty of you are old enough to remember when assault weapons WERE banned. How many of your other guns did they forcibly take when they broke down your door to illegally search your home back in the 90s?? Oh, none because none of that happened when they banned assault rifles.

But then, most of us didn't know the American Revolution started because the British came to take the muskets our founders used to hunt food. Wonder why they have been teaching it was about taxes and a voice in decisions for almost 250 years?? Let me guess, the deep state created a false flag operation. And if the damn Dems hadn't confiscated the Texans AR-15s and high capacity mags right before the Alamo it wouldn't have fell.

The only deep state is the one of delusion some around here have. Have y'all been skipping your Alzheimer's appointments??
texassapper's Avatar
I'm sure plenty of you are old enough to remember when assault weapons WERE banned. How many of your other guns did they forcibly take when they broke down your door to illegally search your home back in the 90s?? Oh, none because none of that happened when they banned assault rifles. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Ask the branch davidians about that...
But then, most of us didn't know the American Revolution started because the British came to take the muskets our founders used to hunt food. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
What exactly was the British mission when they were met by the Minutemen on Lexington Green?
Wonder why they have been teaching it was about taxes and a voice in decisions for almost 250 years?? Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Because that was the root cause, but the event that turned the disagreement in governing into an armed conflict was a weapons seizure.
The only deep state is the one of delusion some around here have. Have y'all been skipping your Alzheimer's appointments?? Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Answer me this... how many people have gone to prison for lying to the FISA court in order to spy on US citizens. We know that the lying and spying happened... Who was punished for it?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I'm sure plenty of you are old enough to remember when assault weapons WERE banned. How many of your other guns did they forcibly take when they broke down your door to illegally search your home back in the 90s?? Oh, none because none of that happened when they banned assault rifles.... Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Actually, I thought it was called The Sale of The Scary Looking Black Rifle ban, but that was a long time ago, so maybe my memory is fuzzy. But as I recollect and what I remember reading along the way, it only included the sale of new ones, meaning existing ones were grandfathered in -- from which an average non-dipstick would conclude that it was neither intended to be a ban or a confiscation of existing inventory. No?

But then I also have a penchant for asking the obvious question at inconvenient times. So here goes: So what ever became of that alleged "ban" of which you speaketh sunshine?
what is an assault weapon?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not a fan of the top down approach of infringing on our rights. Too slow and frankly the 1st 10 are pretty much a core part of the Constitution, so it was sale-able to get it ratified.

I say, why not start in the middle and work both direction simultaneously? There are 27 amendments, so the mid point would be between the 13th and 14th amendments. Let's start there and pause for a few decades and see if it helps. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You want to reinstate slavery.

Of course you do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The only thing at risk here is the start of a bloody civil war. And just like the Revolution it will likely start when the authorities attempt to seize legally owned small arms. Originally Posted by texassapper
You don’t need guns, JL.

You can always kick ass with your bare fists.

That will never happen in America.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You do know that when prohibition started, they did not go door to door and confiscate all the booze. So, are they going to grandfather all 400 million already owned weapons? Since most criminals do not buy them from gun dealers, their supplies will not dry up.

This is how stupid repealing the second amendment (now that we need it more than ever) is.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
what is an assault weapon? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
dunno. Well... I mean I dunno that anyone knows

Better question (watch this, should be a whoot) What is common sense gun control? Though the commie-pinkos have been avoiding using it this go round, so far.
well the biden administration nominees for different offices have called for the banning of assault weapons in their posts, tweets.commentaries and screeds

but in congressional hearings for their confirmations they cant or wont define the very thing they wish to ban

no definition of what is an assault weapon, no definition out of this bunch of scalawags of a woman either

potter stewart said he he couldn't define obscenity but he knew when he saw it

maybe thats it, they want to ban whatever the hell they want to ban

the whole dimocrat party is built on one big lie after another and constant fact ignoring coupled with dramatic histrionic displays of their lies so they never wish to be pinned down to anything
texassapper's Avatar