This debunks VM and stricter gun law in America and around the World

This sticks a fork in VM's thread about gun laws in America and other countries around the started a thread that is easy to do a little research on and fine out the truth about the lies the left spews. These are the FACTS...suck it up buttercup!!

Debunking the Lie That Cities, States, and Countries With Strict Gun Control Laws Are Safer

In all my years covering politics, I've never seen a more intense push for gun control by Democrats and corporate media. They mean business, which means we need to share the truth.

In the wake of two mass murders, leftists and corporate media have been joined by international media to try to paint the United States as being too soft on firearms. This is the standard response following any controversial attack of the magnitude we’ve seen recently, but the rhetoric and gaslighting are ramped up to 11 this time. The push for gun control has never been more fierce than it is right now.
It’s an emotional response, which is why it always begins within minutes after a reported mass murder. The left needs to latch onto emotional responses because the facts simply do not support their conclusions. It is their hope that people will step on the surface logic of “fewer guns means fewer crimes” without digging deeper into the true takeaway. The most logical conclusion is invariably that fewer gun restrictions and removing gun-free zones will decrease murders. But it’s more than just logical. It’s statistically demonstrable.
On the latest episode of The Midnight Sentinel, I covered a Twitter thread posted by Andrew Follett from Club For Growth that lays out how statistically speaking, stricter gun laws are tied to increased violence and Democrats are clearly to blame:
A thread on how the media is telling you two major lies about mass shootings and gun control 1: Other countries with vastly stricter gun laws than the US have higher rates of mass shootings. 2: US jurisdictions w/ gun laws have exponentially higher rates of gun violence

Although events in the U.S. tend to get the lion’s share of media exposure, mass shootings are clearly a worldwide issue. The US makes up about 1.15% of the world’s mass shootings while having almost 5% of the world’s population.
Out of 97 countries with data, the US is 64th in frequency of mass shootings and 65th in murder rate. And rates of mass shootings elsewhere are rising faster

4 times as many per capita died in mass shootings in FRANCE as in the US. 21 times in Norway. In addition to those fairly nice nations, Finland, Germany, Israel, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland have higher mass shooting death rates.
All of those are pretty nice countries which MUCH stricter gun control laws than the US…and all have higher per capita deaths from mass shootings than the US.

According to this 2018 study (surveying data over an 18 year period), the US is 64th in the world in terms of mass shooting rates per capita (which sounds far worse than it is…because all the countries in gray below didn’t report data.)
If anything our policy structure is actually pretty good at preventing this by global standards…especially relative to fairly nice countries of the type we want to compare America to.

2: The highest gun-ownership state with the loosest gun laws in the nation is Wyoming, where 59.7% of households have a gun (really!) Wyoming gun laws are arguably the LEAST restrictive in the United States.
Wyoming does NOT HAVE a gun homicide problem, with a rate of only 1.4 per 100,000–actually lower than right across the border in more gun-controlled Canada– and only about a third of that of the nation as a whole.

The highest murder rate of any jurisdiction in the US is Washington, DC, which has a murder rate of 21.8 per 100,000… more than twenty times that of most European countries!
But DC also has the most restrictive gun laws in the country… and the lowest rates of legal gun ownership, with numbers less than in many European states!

I’d say that data suggests that the factors making DC have such high gun violence rates are part of the story of why America as a whole is so deadly, but these cannot include high gun ownership or a lack of gun regulation…by definition.
If stricter gun laws reduced gun violence rates, you’d expect jurisdictions with those laws to have lower rates of gun violence. Instead, we find quite the opposite.

Now, maybe you think “of course those jurisdictions have higher gun violence rates, that’s why they enacted the laws.” I doubt that…but the data is CLEAR that those laws haven’t reduced the rates. The factors making DC so deadly are part of the story of why America as a whole is so deadly, but these cannot include high gun ownership. Facts don’t care about your feelings.

And blaming this on Republicans’ (which Libs made trend ALL of yesterday is…stupid. Washington DC hasn’t had a Republican mayor since literally 1933…and hasn’t had a single Republican on its city council since 2008.
The same thing is true of ALL the cities with REALLY BAD gun homicide rates. In 2019: St Louis, 64.54 murders per 100k, last GOP Mayor left in 1949 Its the 9th most violent city in the world.

The murder rate in Baltimore is 58.27 per 100,000. Its the 11th most violent city in the world…and has VERY strict gun laws.
This goes and and on down the list…check it for yourself. I stopped looking for a Republican mayor after a while because it was all Dems forever.

Yet…as I noted yesterday… Libs PRIMARY RESPONSE is to blame the GOP for this…when they are LITERALLY THE ONES IN CHARGE of the cities choking under gun violence.
You want to know how to convince me the Libs are serious about gun control? When they actually bring down gun homicide rates in the cities they’ve politically dominated for decades. Instead, they ALWAYS cast blame on everyone but themselves.

Talk to any Lib about Chicago gun violence…which is so bad there’s literal websites dedicated to statistically tracking it…and they’ll blame Indiana’s gun laws.
This is because the ONLY move Libs have to distract from the fact that places they’ve subjected to VERY STRICT gun control laws is to…blame neighboring Republicans.

Laws that we know work (like cracking down on straw buyers) get entirely ignored in favor of oblivious attempts to gin up political support for policies we know DO NOT work bc we saw them fail in Dem controlled cities.
Statistically speaking, the most effective laws for reducing gun violence and gun homicides is cracking down on straw purchasing…that is someone buying a gun for a person not legally able to have one. And it isn’t even close.

Basically every state (including ones with very intense gun laws) doesn’t take straw purchases of firearms very seriously. It’s MOSTLY a misdemeanor. Nobody bothers to enforce it.
As Kevin W of NR says…this is because of bureaucratic laziness more than anything else. Its easier to pressure a federally licensed retailers with fixed addresses and regular business hours than it is to go chasing Joe Gangster’s rap-sheet-free girlfriend all over St. Louis

If you can’t read it, its the saga of one specific straw purchased gun being used in a dozen criminal acts. The person who bought the gun committed a felony in the state (Virginia) where he bought it. He pled guilty to this and got a slap on the wrist.

This is what annoys me so much about the “gun control” debate…its entirely media driven to gin up outrage, not solve problems. Media shift the responsibility for criminal violence away from the criminals who did it and onto 3rd parties that are easier to police.

And who just so happen to have deeper pockets. You can’t sue Baker (the guy who bought the gun in the WaPo story) or Stunna (rapper who acquired the gun). There’s no $ in that. But u can shake down Bob’ Shotgun Emporium or Remington & that’s what Libs ACTUALLY want

Meanwhile, a few U.S. ZIP codes, practically all of them represented exclusively by political party which always promotes gun control, are plagued by gun homicides and nobody in power is willing to lift a pinky finger to do anything meaningful about it.
Nobody cares on the left cares about saving lives in this debate, they care about the prospect of letting their lawyer friends make money and getting a bit of desperately needed extra political energy. That’s all folks, going to dinner.
Nobody cares on the left cares about saving lives in this debate, they care about the prospect of letting their lawyer friends make money and getting a bit of desperately needed extra political energy.
That's all folks, going to dinner.
— Andrew Follett (@AndrewCFollett) May 25, 2022
I could make a graph showing that since January 13, 2010, fewer Haitians have died per year from earthquake-related causes than whatever, and say "why worry about outliers.
Well, the Haitian earthquake of January 12, 2010 killed about 100,000 people. Outlier is all that matters.
— Andrew Follett (@AndrewCFollett) May 26, 2022
Follett’s thread is definitely worth sharing, but he didn’t go into the “why” behind all the gun control talk. This has nothing to do with public safety, as I noted on my podcast. This is all about disarming the people ahead of tyranny. Remember that when you read or hear about how the Uvalde massacre was handled.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't even need to see it to know it's a ONE STAR piece of briliance.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Aunt Peg is on the loose thread spamming
Ripmany's Avatar
It so strict I can't get a gun.
He doesn't know anything else...he's butts ass hurt and knows the lies of his beloved leftwing ideology is been exposed for the all to see...
HedonistForever's Avatar
Can any of you imagine a country with little to no gun violence in a country with over 300 million guns?

I can. You merely put every single person who commits a felony with a gun, in prison for life and if they shoot somebody whether they kill them or not, they are executed IF caught in the act like being inside the bank when you are arrested.

I'm not for executing anybody "suspected" on faulty evidence which could be faulty identification or police misconduct. But if you are caught at the scene and YOU DID IT, execute the MFer. If you are suspected and a jury convicts you, you get life with a possibility of a new trial for life, that can never be denied you IF compelling new evidence can be presented.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Can any of you imagine a country with little to no gun violence in a country with over 300 million guns?

I can. You merely put every single person who commits a felony with a gun, in prison for life and if they shoot somebody whether they kill them or not, they are executed IF caught in the act like being inside the bank when you are arrested.

I'm not for executing anybody "suspected" on faulty evidence which could be faulty identification or police misconduct. But if you are caught at the scene and YOU DID IT, execute the MFer. If you are suspected and a jury convicts you, you get life with a possibility of a new trial for life, that can never be denied you IF compelling new evidence can be presented.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Dylan Roff and all the other people, caught at the scene of a murder should have been executed within days of the murder.
Can any of you imagine a country with little to no gun violence in a country with over 300 million guns?

I can. You merely put every single person who commits a felony with a gun, in prison for life and if they shoot somebody whether they kill them or not, they are executed IF caught in the act like being inside the bank when you are arrested.

I'm not for executing anybody "suspected" on faulty evidence which could be faulty identification or police misconduct. But if you are caught at the scene and YOU DID IT, execute the MFer. If you are suspected and a jury convicts you, you get life with a possibility of a new trial for life, that can never be denied you IF compelling new evidence can be presented. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Never going to happen. When Government makes claims of less guns equals less violence expect the opposite.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Dylan Roaf (sic) and all the other people, caught at the scene of a murder should have been executed within days of the murder. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

despite the fact he has mental illness? he was taking psychotherapy drugs prior to the shootings. he was obviously fucked up.

so no, he should not be executed. even the victims didn't want him executed.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...You merely put every single person who commits a felony with a gun, in prison for life and if they shoot somebody whether they kill them or not, they are executed IF caught in the act like being inside the bank when you are arrested.. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Maybe call this a social experiment to validate Darwin's Survival of the Fittest. Remember all those fiery but mostly peaceful protests of 2020, right before the elections? You know, the ones with rioting, burning, destruction of property, mayhem and massive looting. Right?

So to test out HF and Darwin's theory, at the next fiery but mostly peaceful protest (Reminder: the mid-terms are coming) as the first shop looter is emerging from a store with looted booty in their arms -- shoot them dead. As the next one does, do similar. I wonder what the third or fourth are going to do? Hands up or arms full?

How many before there are no more looters? One might expect the surviving, potential looters would let other potential looters know that looting is not a good idea. No idea how it might impact the mostly peaceful protesters approach to their other antics, but looting should abate.

Hat tip to CNN:

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar no, he should not be executed. even the victims didn't want him executed. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I think you mean survivors. The victims are dead and likely would not object to the perp joining them in eternity. Though I doubt they would be sharing the same eternal comfort level as the perp.
VitaMan's Avatar
As usual, OP offers nothing for a solution. Just endless Rants and attacks on other members, even when an attempt to start a discussion is the intent

England, Japan, Australia ? I don't see those countries mentioned in the blogger piece.
Was the blogger cherry picking to promote his viewpoint ?
texassapper's Avatar
despite the fact he has mental illness? he was taking psychotherapy drugs prior to the shootings. he was obviously fucked up.
so no, he should not be executed. even the victims didn't want him executed. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Meh... If you're so mentally defective that you shoot up a bunch of people, hang mans noose. We don't have to put up with the mental defectives.
texassapper's Avatar
So to test out HF and Darwin's theory, at the next fiery but mostly peaceful protest (Reminder: the mid-terms are coming) as the first shop looter is emerging from a store with looted booty in their arms -- shoot them dead. As the next one does, do similar. I wonder what the third or fourth are going to do? Hands up or arms full? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Where are the Roof Koreans when you need them?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Where are the Roof Koreans when you need them? Originally Posted by texassapper
Kyle Rittenhouse as RSO of the year. Git 'er dun.