Republican Loss in Long Island District Should Be A Wake-up Call For The GOP

the Democrats just took back a House seat vacated when the Republicans ousted George Santos.

The winning strategy in this upper middle class District was…….Abortion, Trump, and flat out lie about immigration.

It worked.

If this was a snapshot of 2024, The Democrats will win both houses of Congress and The Presidency.

The Republicans best hope is to get Trump and Halley together. White suburban women like her as much as they hate Trump.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

the Democrats just took back a House seat vacated when the Republicans ousted George Santos.

The winning strategy in this upper middle class District was…….Abortion, Trump, and flat out lie about immigration.

It worked.

If this was a snapshot of 2024, The Democrats will win both houses of Congress and The Presidency.

The Republicans best hope is to get Trump and Halley together. White suburban women like her as much as they hate Trump. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Republicans haven't won a high profile contested election in years. Republicans will win the Senate in 2024 but lose the House. I'm still undecided on the race for POTUS.
winn dixie's Avatar
This loss is a direct rebuke of maga constituents in the house.
Sadly the blue wave is growing bigger
oilfieldace's Avatar
This loss is a direct rebuke of maga constituents in the house.
Sadly the blue wave is growing bigger Originally Posted by winn dixie
No it isn’t, it’s New York City for Christ and isn’t it just till November until another election. New York and Californecate are sold blue, that fact alone should make everyone vote MAGA, you liberals are definitely against that Make America Great Again.

A nation without borders is not a nation and you folks seem to love that FACT
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 02-14-2024, 01:07 PM
Trump is a blight on the GOP. They've lost or underperformed the last 3 election cycles under the trump/maga banner. Not only will the dems win back the house but I think they have a shot at keeping the senate even though they have tough races to win. Never underestimate trump's ability to wreck the GOP.
... You lads missed the whole thing that happened.

The dim bulb that the RINOs ran there said she didn't need
Trump's help to win the seat....
So, the conservative voters stayed home.

And the RINO Repubs there surely LOST the seat. ...

#### Salty
The only "thing that happened" was another mega got their azz kicked by a lib
It's really not that difficult to explain. The losers stay home and the libs voted.
Was it the super Taylor getting the votes out??? Probably but who knows??? Mega land has been put on notice and scared shitless
eccieuser9500's Avatar
This loss is a direct rebuke of maga constituents in the house.
Sadly the blue wave is growing bigger Originally Posted by winn dixie
No it isn’t, it’s New York City for Christ and isn’t it just till November until another election. New York and Californecate are sold blue, that fact alone should make everyone vote MAGA, you liberals are definitely against that Make America Great Again.

A nation without borders is not a nation and you folks seem to love that FACT Originally Posted by oilfieldace
He called you a liberal, winn. Them there's fightin' wurds.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The message is: stop supporting lying, fraudulent sacks of shit.

You get what you deserve. Just leave the rest of America out of it.
eyecu2's Avatar
The message is: stop supporting lying, fraudulent sacks of shit.

You get what you deserve. Just leave the rest of America out of it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The whole abortion thing is a Huge problem for voters.

While all Americans put up with the cries of liberty and rights, like 2nd amendment issues and still today have assholes shooting up the place, Republicans are still supporting gun rights etc. Democrats also support constitutional when those are taken away, there is public backlash and votes on that happen!

Nobody wants individual freedoms and rights dictated to them when we've had decades of reproductive freedom now stripped away and women/ husbands / voters are saying ...fucking bullshit!!

That a long with Republican shenanigans like the likes of Santos, gerrymandering and other trumpian policies that are not publicly favorable led to this loss in New York. And it's going to continue in 2024. Perhaps not into the presidential election but it has a high likelihood of doing that as well.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Either too much cock preening and posturing or not enough reading. In the OP article, last two paragraphs:
According to Luntz, Suozzi’s win Tuesday is not an indication the district will automatically back Biden again.

“It isn’t. It’s a rejection of House Republican chaos,” Luntz said in a separate post. “The NY-03 district hates Biden’s immigration policy and the crime wave in New York. But congressional Republicans gave voters nothing to vote for.”
It was a "Special Election", as stated by another poster. Both Pilip and Souzzi have committed to run for the seat again in November, though the District likely will get redrawn by end of this month.

In other news, simple things are are still simple - duh...
The 2nd Amendment IS in the Bill of Rights. Abortion is not.
The whole abortion thing is a Huge problem for voters.

While all Americans put up with the cries of liberty and rights, like 2nd amendment issues and still today have assholes shooting up the place,
Republicans are still supporting gun rights etc. Democrats also support constitutional when those are taken away, there is public backlash and votes on that happen!

Nobody wants individual freedoms and rights dictated to them when we've had decades of reproductive freedom now stripped away and women/ husbands / voters are saying ...fucking bullshit!!

That a long with Republican shenanigans like the likes of Santos, gerrymandering and other trumpian policies that are not publicly favorable led to this loss in New York. And it's going to continue in 2024. Perhaps not into the presidential election but it has a high likelihood of doing that as well. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Any right should be supported based on the Constitution. When a right such as the second amendment has been abused such as gun violence then it becomes a crime and no one should tolerate that. Our very first President George Washington said this about the Second Amendment. " A free people ought not only be Armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient Arms and Ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them which would include their own Government". So the Second Amendment isn't just about Militias or Military it's about individuals protecting themselves as well as others. Abortion has no Constitutional connection it's clearly murder and stage of fetal development is not a factor.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The whole abortion thing is a Huge problem for some voters.... Originally Posted by eyecu2
FTFY. BTW what the SCOTUS actually ruled is that it is not a Constitutional provision. They left it to the individual States rights. For what ever reason, they felt that the following random passage applied:
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Who knows what one might find when ya read the whole ding-danged thing?!?
...still today have assholes shooting up the place, Republicans are still supporting gun rights etc... Originally Posted by eyecu2
So yer say'n that an "asshole" got a gun and shot up a bunch of people as opposed to the gun grabbed an asshole and shot up people. Imma call your new found understanding, aka moment of clarity, a win for our side.

BTW; in practical reality: The Bill of Rights of the US Constitution is about the peoples rights, not the rights of inanimate objects. You know, that whole "We the People" shtick versus "Some random objects". Since we're doing some simple wordage: Those are "rights", i.e. not permissions, though I hesitate to remind you from whence said "rights" are declared to have emanated from...

Long and short of it is: those people voting for the former Rep (think "name recognition"), against a somewhat unknown choice are not some massive repudiation that you can hang your whole wardrobe of hats upon.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
..Long and short of it is: those people voting for the former Rep (think "name recognition"), against a somewhat unknown choice are not some massive repudiation that you can hang your whole wardrobe of hats upon. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Or was it a massive repudiation from the MAGA voters to say: If'n your candidate doesn't back Trump more than 110%, they are toast in MAGA Country?!? Which curriously means the OP may well be accidentally correct: "Republican Loss in Long Island District Should Be A Wake-up Call For The GOP"

Luntz seems to lean towards saying that, but won't say it outright because of his turncoat baggage, loose rope around his neck and the Subway sammich in his hand, late at night in the cold and snow.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Long and short of it is: those people voting for the former Rep (think "name recognition"), against a somewhat unknown choice are not some massive repudiation that you can hang your whole wardrobe of hats upon. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
The only reason Santos won in 2022 was that Suozzi ran an unsuccessful campaign for governor. So certainly Suozzi had name recognition but it is important to see the issues he ran on -- he totally agreed that we have an immigration problem but reminded voters of the Republicans in Congress not passing the immigration bill. Democrats on the ballot in November will see this as a very effective tactic to employ. It is believed that Suozzi's stance on abortion rights was also a positive in this suburban district.

"Suozzi said the border needed to be secured, called for a bipartisan compromise and supported the bipartisan congressional deal that was scuttled by Trump and the hard right. Pilip came out against the bill."