So how's that public education working for you?
Get the federal government out of education and return the money to the states. Originally Posted by The2DogsWe desperately need to cut federal spending. The first agency that should be closed is the Department of Education. Jimmy Carter created it. The federal government has no constitutional authority to spend a dime on education. Since the creation of The Department of Education, spending on eduction has skyrocketed and test scores have steadily fallen.
We need vouchers. Parents should have the option to send their kids to private schools or government schools. Without competition, government schools have no incentive to improve. Monopolies never produce quality.
Here's a quote from a really smart guy:
I believe very strongly that if the country gave each parent a voucher…several things would happen. Number one[,] schools would start marketing themselves like crazy to get students. Secondly, I think you’d see a lot of new schools starting…. I believe that they would do far better than any of our public schools would. The third thing you’d see is…the quality of schools again, just in a competitive marketplace, start to rise.
Steve Jobs Originally Posted by joe bloe
You will not get them as long as you have unionized socialists running them.
It is all part of the plan to dumb down America. Originally Posted by The2Dogs