I had the bejesus scared out of me! I was pulling in a truck into the dealership. *Got to the opened bay door and noticed it wasn't opened high enough. *So I move the gear shift up and go to get out and raise the bay door. *Well the vehicle wasn't in park, it was in reverse. *So as I got out it started sliding backwards. *So here I am one leg in the truck the rest of my body outside with the truck moving backwards.
I freak out and try and hurry up to jam on the brake. *The problem was my foot slid off the brake and on to the gas pedal. * I jump up, hang on to the door while hopping backwards on one leg. *Finally getting in the truck and getting it to stop completely. *With no property damage whatsoever. *I'm one lucky SOB!
After a day like that I decided to take the day off...