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Mohammed ali
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  • Cleo
  • 06-04-2016, 02:58 AM
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Float like a butterfly...Sting like a bee..
My Male Hero!!! An Outstanging portion of Sports History!!
Grew up watching his Matches... My heart is SAD but Happy he is no longer suffering!!
dumars's Avatar
Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.

With the current state of Islamaphobia I've found it amusing how he had stayed relevant!


My Male Hero!!! Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
mojoworkin's Avatar
Ironic. The flags are at half staff for someone who refused to help defend their country. Plenty of soldiers were morally opposed to the war, but most weren't famous enough to skate their way out of serving. Hero...not in my book.
Ironic. The flags are at half staff for someone who refused to help defend their country. Plenty of soldiers were morally opposed to the war, but most weren't famous enough to skate their way out of serving. Hero...not in my book. Originally Posted by mojoworkin
why would he be a hero anyway?

he's a boxer, right?
what did he do to be a hero?
On Achieving Greatness

“If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.”

On Aging

“A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.”

RELATED: 15 Motivational Quotes from Legends in Sports

On Fortitude

“It isn’t the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it’s the pebble in your shoe.”

On Preparation

“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it—then I can achieve it.”

On Golf

"I'm the best. I just haven't played yet."

On Regret

"Turning my back on Malcolm X was one of the mistakes I regret most in my life. I wish I'd been able to tell Malcolm I was sorry."

On Race

“The Nation Of Islam taught that white people are devils. I don’t believe that now; in fact, I never really believed that.”

On Being Humble

“At home I am a nice guy: but I don’t want the world to know. Humble people, I’ve found, don’t get very far.”

On His Achievements

“I’ve wrestled with alligators; I’ve tussled with a whale; I done handcuffed lightning; and throw thunder in jail.”

On Victory

“The will must be stronger than the skill.”

On Payback

“You kill my dog, you better hide your cat."

On Dreams

"If you even dream of beating me you'd better wake up and apologize.”
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 06-04-2016, 11:00 PM
why would he be a hero anyway?

he's a boxer, right?
what did he do to be a hero? Originally Posted by johnnyretard
Per webster's dictionary:
a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability
b : an illustrious warrior
c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities
d : one who shows great courage

For some, he may fit the definition and for others he may not. I personally don't consider him or anyone a hero just because of what they're good at. But more for the strength of their character and their sacrifice. In my view, this man's character and sacrifice are beyond reproach. And he just so happened to be the "GOAT."
WMJ4657's Avatar
To me character is doing the right thing even when it may not be the most beneficial to you. Sacrifice is giving of yourself to help others. Many athletes gave up prime years of their life to defend this country. To me that is character and sacrifice.

Ali was a great boxer,quite possibly the best of all time. Does that make him a hero? To some maybe. He did some very good things in his life,but to me others gave much more.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 06-04-2016, 11:55 PM
To me character is doing the right thing even when it may not be the most beneficial to you. Sacrifice is giving of yourself to help others. Many athletes gave up prime years of their life to defend this country. To me that is character and sacrifice. Originally Posted by WMJ4657
Many a great people who are generally accepted as "heroes" have sacrificed their freedom and sat incarcerated for what they believed in. Is the only difference here, that what he believed in differs from what some of us believe in? Does that difference reduce or nullify his sacrifice? Who is the authority on what we get to personally feel when it comes to a question of moral choice? I'd hate for any of us to "have" to do something that we feel goes against our moral code just because someone else feels we owe it to them to do so. To serve is noble and just. But maybe, it's as much, calling or a choice. Not one that should be forced upon us?
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Really.... Originally Posted by Gemma34
REALLY!! And I said my..not yours ..or anyone else as far that goes.
First of all...I am approx 10 years older than you.
I saw a man who stood up for what he believed in.
A heart of gold & full of determination despite all the obstacles he faced! He was much more than an athlete...
And I could care less if you agree...I don't base my opinions or feelings upon your approval.
Be safe everyone.
WMJ4657's Avatar
Without the sacrifice the ones made to make this country free we would not be able to have this discussion. My personal opinion is their sacrifice was greater.

Not in anyway meaning to disrespect anyone's opinion,just stating mine.
Ironic. The flags are at half staff for someone who refused to help defend their country. Plenty of soldiers were morally opposed to the war, but most weren't famous enough to skate their way out of serving. Hero...not in my book. Originally Posted by mojoworkin
Tha fuck are you talking about how you gonna ask a man to fight and die for your country for no reason in a time where you would not even treat him like a human being fuck outta here every soldier that knew it was wrong should have opposed the war.
Cleo's Avatar
  • Cleo
  • 06-05-2016, 12:21 AM
Very true sir and I appreciate your perspective and do agree with you. Without the men and women of service, this forum, any forum for the free exchange of ideas or discussion would not be possible. Also, their sacrifice is greater. They should be honored and respected.