North Korea Hobbying

Blubbster's Avatar
I was in an insomniac daze & started watching a Korean TV show on Netflix. It was about a reunified Korea. Got me thinking about all the hot pussy behind the Iron Curtain that suddenly became accessible after 1991. Think a Korean reunification would result in a lot of hot Korean girls flooding the market? Or are North Korean girls too emaciated for that? Some are so hungry and weak their periods stop!

I'm just really into Asians. LOL.
I think of lots of weird shit, but I hadn't considered North Korean women lol. I love it, thank you.
I read this and thought it to be strange.....not sure why..but I think it has something to do with the mention of so hungry and weak their periods stop. That doesn't sound healthy or normal..or anything that I would be encouraging....
Brandofan's Avatar
If it ever happens be a sweetie and pick up a burger for her on the way to her incall.
rexdutchman's Avatar
They shoot people for crossing the border , I don't think that would end well
I imagine any good-looking gal in NoKo has been "repurposed" by the guvmunt by the time she was "of age".
Trill Jackson's Avatar
Don't forget that we really don't know what's going on in DPRK and any info we get about that country is likely propaganda.

Yes, sanctions have weakened that state, but the Living conditions are about the same as any other 3rd world country.
Don't forget that we really don't know what's going on in DPRK and any info we get about that country is likely propaganda.

Yes, sanctions have weakened that state, but the Living conditions are about the same as any other 3rd world country. Originally Posted by Trill Jackson
Good point. We are just as good at putting out self serving propaganda as anyone else. This became VERY clear to me in the early 90s, right after the fall of the USSR. Over many dinners and bottles of wine, I was able to compare notes with a couple of good friends, one from Russia and another from East Berlin. We all spent lots of time laughing about the BS they had been told about Americans and the BS we were told about the them. It's in the best interests of the powers that be to paint opponents in a very bad light, especially when it's assumed that no one will be able to ever compare notes. And other than Dennis Rodman, that applies to pretty much everyone.
zeejoe's Avatar
Don't forget that we really don't know what's going on in DPRK and any info we get about that country is likely propaganda.

Yes, sanctions have weakened that state, but the Living conditions are about the same as any other 3rd world country. Originally Posted by Trill Jackson
I was in South Korea with the military for 2 years.
I know it's 2d or 3d hand, but it always struck me that I met South Korean civilians who I thought, with all my 1st world bias, lived in third world conditions, and they considered their family still in the north to be living in absolute squalor.
johnclark's Avatar
Let’s not forget dude who just defected. Besides being shot he was full of parasites.
ahab11's Avatar
North Korea has been planting female spies in the USA for many years using South Korean and China passports and Visas.

No doubt when that government falls the pussy market in a unified Korea will be very interesting.
They work in AMPVille, hoping you'll blurt out National Security secrets in the midst of an orgasm. I once let it slip about how sonar works. Bad day for the Navy.
Trill Jackson's Avatar
Let’s not forget dude who just defected. Besides being shot he was full of parasites. Originally Posted by johnclark
Let's not forget you heard about this "news" from a FAKE NEWS media outlet.