Going to the RenFest... or Ireland? Want to proposition a wench in Gaelic?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
The 39th annual Texas Renaissance Festival started last weekend and runs through Dec. 1st. A good lot of the fun and fantasy are founded upon my Celtic heritage. Below are some Gaelic phrases you may find useful. (And FYI: Celtic is the PEOPLE, Gaelic is the LANGUAGE.)

Tar anseo, bean! = Come here, woman!

A ligean ar a bheith gnéas. = Let's have sex.

Cé mhéad? = How much?

An bhfuil tú dÚsachtach? = Are you crazy?

Cá bhfuil an teach tábhairne? = Where's the pub?

Doirt dom fuisce. = Pour me a whiskey.

...beoir = beer

...leanna = ale

... meá = mead

Budweiser? What is this crap? = Budweiser? Cad é seo cacamas?

Le do thoil = Please

Slàinte! (Frequently mispronounced as "slantay," it is actually "SLAWN-cha!") = Health! As in "To your health!" (This is THE most-used Irish drinking toast. If you want to be more elaborate.... "Sláinte chuig na fir, agus go mairfidh na mná go deo!" = "Health to the men, and may the women live forever!")

Ól mé i bhfad ró. = I drank too much.

Tá mé ag dul a bheith breoite. = I'm going to be sick.

Cá bhfuil an seomra folctha? = Where's the bathroom?

Ró-dhéanach. Ar láimh dom buicéad. = Too late. Hand me a bucket.

Barf = Barf

Go raibh maith agat. = Thank you.

There is no literal word for "f**k" in Gaelic. These are acceptable substitute curses:

Póg mo thóin! (Pronounced "Pugg mahone!") = Kiss my ass! (Hey, you can say this to your boss with a smile and he'll think you're blessing his latest stupid idea.)

Stripach! = Whore!

Faigh caillte! = Get lost!

Téigh go hlfreann! = Go to Hell!

Go Hlfreann le leat! = To Hell with you!

Téigh go dtí an Diabhal!! = Go to the Devil! (A common curse used by native speakers.)

Téigh gnéas le caoirigh! = Go sex with a sheep! (Aka, "Go f**k a sheep.")

Trasna ort féin! = Across yourself! (Sounds odd in translation, but this is traditionally accepted as the Gaelic equivalent of, "Go f**k yourself!")

Never let it be said that ECCIE isn't educational. Now you speak Irish... instead of Greek.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Thank yeeeew = Southern for thank you

You are a hoot.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Wait, bean = woman?

No wonder we fart so much around our SOs...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Wait, bean = woman?

No wonder we fart so much around our SOs... Originally Posted by jbravo_123
Might have some correlation to the Irish liking cabbage so much.
cumalot's Avatar
Tá mhaisiúil i heels amháin bhean te sexy
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Tá mhaisiúil i heels amháin bhean te sexy Originally Posted by cumalot
Tá tú an-chineál, a dhuine uasail! Go raibh maith agat.
boardman's Avatar
I'll be out there all next weekend. Keep your eyes open for the good looking cat in the kilt. Come say A ligean ar a bheith gnéas!
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Next weekend as in All Hallow's Eve, catman, or this one starting tomorrow, 1001 Dreams? I'll be there for both, and every weekend after that, most likely.

Will you purr if I pet the furball under the kilt?