
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
White people have plenty of diversity. We have smart people, such as Albert Einstein, and we have stupid people, like Jimmy Carter. We have emancipators, like Abraham Lincoln, and slave owners, like Thomas Jefferson. We had Lewis and Clark, Leland H Stanford, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Christopher Columbus, John Wayne, John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, Corey Remberg, Morris Dees, and Nathan Beford Forrest. Liberals like George Clooney and Brad Pitt and Jane Fonda, and innovators like Bill Gates. Tom Cruise and the guy who played Thomas Magnum. Gays and straights, left wing, right wing, commies, racists, religious, atheists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc. The only thing we don't possess is a different race, which is, so I'm told, an artificial construct of man (as is the US government, BTW) So one could truly imagine that diversity is just another liberal hustle to control and retain power for the statists so libertarians like myself will always be kept under control.
Jews are all white? LMAO
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where you hear that stupidity Eva? Jews come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Note William Shatner, Sammy Davis Junior, and Gene Simmons. I remember a few years ago that Israel air lifted from Eritrea (that's an African country) some African Jews that were in danger of being purged.

Japan, South Africa, India, and Spain. Just a few places you can find Jews. Almost makes it sould like some kind of world wide conspiracy don't you think EVA?
Jews are all white? LMAO Originally Posted by i'va biggen
perhaps not Jew as a religion but Jew as in Hebrew as in the 12 tribes of Israel

they were/are a semitic bunch..after shem one of the 3 sons of noah

semites are considered to be of the Caucasoid type or Caucasian and, hence, can be considered to be what is commonly referred to as white, although white is many times a matter of the opinion of its holder and can be non-technically based on some outward appearance. some Hebrews may appear white and some may appear not white. I would say, if one considers himself "white" they are "white", whatever white is

before political correctness held full sway anthropologists classified the races into three broad categories:

1. mongoloid
2. negroid
3. caucasoid

of course through the ages, with intermarriage and extra-marital liaisons, even the brightest of lines were made quite fuzzy, however till recent times Hebrews were well known for racial purity, although even they cannot determine very well who is a levi
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Jews are all white? LMAO Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The idiot corner has spoken!
Holey shit, dumb X 3 read the first sentence in the OP. Then the part about a different race. I was commenting about the fact Jews are not all white.
Holey shit, dumb X 3 read the first sentence in the OP. Then the part about a different race. I was commenting about the fact Jews are not all white. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Cut the 3 of 'em some slack, we already knew that there is not a sharp knife in their drawers.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JL is struggling with personal issues right now. If he speaks for any other Jewish person in this forum, I suggest they stand up and be counted. He does NOT speak for me!
I'm not Jewish but if I were, the Jewish Defector would not speak for me!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JD, Sammy Davis Jr was a convert. do you have any fucking idea what you're talking about?

Rhetorical. Don't bother to answer.
JCM800's Avatar
Where you hear that stupidity Eva? Jews come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Where you hear that stupidity Eva? Jews come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
shapes? Originally Posted by JCM800
That's Custodial Engineer speak for JD Idiot doesn't have the slightest idea regarding WTF he is talking about.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I haven't met too many East Asian Jews. Maybe on Christmas Eve...
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JL is struggling with personal issues right now. If he speaks for any other Jewish person in this forum, I suggest they stand up and be counted. He does NOT speak for me! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No one, including the great man David Ben-Gurion, has ever spoken for all Jewish people. We have our disagreements. As for personal issues, the unexamined life is not worth living. Even happy, well adjusted people like myself benefit from counseling. My anger and hatred come from the fact that liberals have ruined America for people like me, and they are delighted about it.

As I age, I see no reason to surrender to their tyranny. Give me liberty, or give me death applies today, also.

To my conservative friends: Mazel Tov

When we tell someone Mazel Tov, we are giving them a blessing: May this drip of inspiration from your soul above not dissipate, but rather have a positive and lasting effect, that from this event onwards you should live your life with higher consciousness. You should be aware of the blessings in your life and be ready to receive more and more. In other words: Good Mazel!

From Rabbi Aron Moss (same middle name as Elvis Aron Presley, FWIW)

From Rabbi Aron Moss (same middle name as Elvis Aron Presley, FWIW) Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
may his twin brother Jesse Garon Presley rest in peace

btw do you what elvis' last words were?