Here's your rebuttal fucktard! You're welcome JJ7899!

I'm going to give yall the cliffsnotes version of my encounter. Cause life's to short to waste my time on others who are negative.
I am always accountable for my actions. So yes I was 2 hours late. But I didn't just show up. There was lots of correspondence between both parties until my arrival. Upon arrival JJ7899
Was smiling and telling me how beautiful I was. We talked for a minute then went upstairs. So let me say this of course the dumbass is going to body shame me! He's morbidly obese! So yeah same height as me but probably weighs 400 lbs.
You're welcome JJ7899!
So because I was late not only did I give him my incall rate as an outcall but gave him an additional hour! Look if he wants to pretend bbfs happened whatever fucktard then prove it. He's mad because he didn't cum because he has no stamina. Because he's morbidly obese. So upon leaving(which by the way he insisted walking me to the door and he took forever to do!) I received a tip from him via cash app. So I have the web receipt from that as proof. But I'm the crazy one ��. So let's recap, We have a dumbass who is morbidly obese and couldn't cum (and those wondering, yes mofos I was getting him hard so yes I did my job) he obviously has no physical activities in his life. He's completely ungrateful for the rate and extra time I gave him. But he willingly gave me a tip. What did I miss here? Oh and pics from 2001? Really mother fucker? Do I claim to be 19 or 20? You just dumb. News flash I'm about to be 42. Oh and please tell me again like you did over and over how beautiful I was and you loved my look. Cause honestly I can still hear you saying it. Stop with your nonsense. Ladies he's all yours...and gentlemen enjoy his bullshit stories. I'm sure none of them have an ounce of truth. Damn at least make a No review believable. It sucked just like you did in bed. Moving on. You've aslo been reported on the other site for using multiple handles. You're welcome!
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
All I can see as a Provider is the Physical Description. Soooo... Do you have a gut? Are your pictures misleading in any way?

If he has a different handle on OH2 that is not a multiple handle. That is an entirely different board. Same goes for P411, etc. Just fyi. A multiple handle would only apply to this board since this is where your review is (at the moment) and then it would need to be proven.
TryWeakly's Avatar

I waz gone deactivate my account... butt.......all hope is not lost.

I tend to agree with the sentiment that ifn u post least be current (and of you) so there is no question about the package.

If all else fails, post sommadat taint UITB... You know, for Pyramider.

Carry on...
winn dixie's Avatar
Popcorn and Dr Pepper ready
Popcorn and Dr Pepper ready Originally Posted by winn dixie
Love it!
boardman's Avatar
You just flamed a guy who gave you a yes?
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Sounds like someone got their feelings hurt with the truth. Guess one of her WK’s informed provider what was in ROS. Least she could do is get the guys handle RIGHT. The one she posted doesn’t match the one that did review. Go figure.
TryWeakly's Avatar
She DID mention something about multiple handles tho...

Butt I doubt that kind of bullshit happens on this fine board, with all of the smart folk amongst us and all...
DoubleEagle's Avatar
You just flamed a guy who gave you a yes? Originally Posted by boardman
The review from Ja1990 was a definite NO.
TryWeakly's Avatar

You've aslo been reported on the other site for using multiple handles. You're welcome! Originally Posted by SexyConner1
Curious... which multiple handles?
boardman's Avatar
The review from Ja1990 was a definite NO. Originally Posted by DoubleEagle

Exactly, but that's not who she called out. She flamed the guy who wrote a yes review on her that took place in the Dallas area.
It's obvious what the mistake is. What isn't obvious is why such a mistake was made.

These rebuttals rarely end well. This one may end up in the HOF.
He did give her a yes and did state he suited up for what is it worth.
AndyDufresne's Avatar
She clearly got the handle mixed up. The positive review from JJ7899 didn’t mention BBFS in the public comments, while ja1990 mentioned it and was a “no”. An easy way to confirm would be for someone who has seen both to let us know who the obese hobbyist is. Also, makes sense she would post the rebuttal in Houston Coed since that is where the no review was.

If she made a mistake she should apologize to jj7899, but I will say her rebuttal seems more accurate than a person with one review and one post.

Before anyone claims I’m a WK, I’ve never seen Connor and am just going on the fact that her side has more of a ring of truth.
boardman's Avatar
. Originally Posted by bigstickdave6969
Might want to edit that if you still have time....
winn dixie's Avatar
She DID mention something about multiple handles tho...

Butt I doubt that kind of bullshit happens on this fine board, with all of the smart folk amongst us and all... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Noooo multi handles doesnt happen here! No way!