Hero of the left says free speech is illegal

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Gloria Allred has represented numerous people, though mostly women, as a civil attorney against such people are Meg Whitman former candidate for governor of California. Allred now wants Rush Limbaugh prosecuted for what he said about Sandra Fluke. Another thread has attacked Rush Limbaugh for what he said and so now I ask do those same people ,do you want to have Limbaugh arrested? Are you now willing to go along with the extreme radical left and ignore the Constitution? Are you willing to go along with criminalizing free speech because that is what you side is wanting? Are you willing to think for yourselves instead? Especially since evidence is coming forward that this whole thing was a political ploy. Ms Fluke is a plant which got a prominent conservative voice to attack her with unfortunate words.
Imagine a manufactured case against Sarah Palin or Rick Santorum. This is exactly like what happened to Eugene Debs in 1918.
Debs publicly questioned the use of a military draft and the Wilson administration used his words to accuse him of undermining the military, the presidency, and ultimately the United States.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2012, 07:55 AM
Gloria Allred is a Fem-nazi. She is the Jesse Jackson of her sex. People like her do not want equality, they want power.
And $$$$,.........

Gloria Allred is a Fem-nazi. She is the Jesse Jackson of her sex. People like her do not want equality, they want power. Originally Posted by WTF

BTW, I get a kick outta WTF using "Rush Lexicon"......feminazi!

Right u are brother WTF!
LovingKayla's Avatar
Where is the audio of Myer?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-10-2012, 09:08 AM
First, i didn't realize Gloria Allred was a hero of the left.

Nevertheless, she's basing it on a very specific law that is currently on the books. If the law is unconstitutional, then so be it, but it does now exist. So to twist that into suggesting someone thinks free speech is illegal is as inane as most of your comments.

Do i agree with the law? Probably not, so in that sense i don't think he should be prosecuted. But if it's determined he broke the law? Then yeah, he should be prosecuted and he can fight over it's constitutionality.

So let me ask you this. If he did break the law, do you think he should be prosecuted? Or are you somehow against people facing the legal consequences of their actions?
"Tell that bitch to shut the fuck up".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You caught that about WTF. Pretty good huh?

I like the fact that Doove said that he would "probably not" like a law that outlaws free speech. Don't you think it should be unequivical rather than "probably"?

Did you know that anal sex and blow jobs are illegal in some states. Do you "probably" think you may not like those laws?
joe bloe's Avatar
Gloria Allred is a ding bat. If she went after liberals no one would pay attention to anything she said.

She's advocating criminal prosecution of Rush Limbaugh based on a statute that is still on the books probably left over from the nineteenth century.

The statute stipulates that anyone who “speaks of and concerning any woman, married or unmarried, falsely and maliciously imputing to her a want of chastity” is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Apparently, she thinks the Palm Beach County state attorney might actually prosecute Limbaugh since he has a history of selectively enforcing the law against Limbaugh. The Palm Beach County state attorney tried to prosecute Limbaugh for "doctor shopping" for Oxycontin prescriptions in 2006. No one had ever been prosecuted for doctor shopping in the history of the state.

The left is trying to intimidate anyone on the right from exercising their first ammendment right to free speech by missusing the judicial system.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2012, 12:04 PM
And $$$$,.........

BTW, I get a kick outta WTF using "Rush Lexicon"......feminazi!

Right u are brother WTF! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I listened to rush when some of you were still in diapers. I agree with some of what he says but let's not fool ourselves , rush is an entertainer in my book.... a God in many others mind.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-10-2012, 12:18 PM
I like the fact that Doove said that he would "probably not" like a law that outlaws free speech. Don't you think it should be unequivical rather than "probably"? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Free speech has limits, i think that's been pretty well determined. I haven't read the law so i'll not comment on it any more thoroughly than i already have.

Why respond to my comment if you're not going to answer my question?

Gloria Allred is a ding bat. If she went after liberals no one would pay attention to anything she said. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Nobody's paying attention to this, 'cept JD Barleycorn. And you.

She's advocating criminal prosecution of Rush Limbaugh based on a statute that is still on the books probably left over from the nineteenth century.
Fair point, and you're probably right.

The left is trying to intimidate anyone on the right from exercising their first ammendment right to free speech by missusing the judicial system.
No, Gloria Allred is suggesting that Rush Limbaugh be prosecuted based on what is likely an outdated law, but one that is still on the books. No more, no less.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-10-2012, 01:13 PM
I seem to remember the dixie chicks catching hell from the left too....or was it the right?

I forget , tell us JD which side gave those girls hell for 'free speech'!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-10-2012, 03:08 PM
Im having a difficult time deciding who can come up with the most irrelevant bullshit to carp about ..

or whirlie

3 way tie?
Gloria Allred has represented numerous people, though mostly women, as a civil attorney against such people are Meg Whitman former candidate for governor of California. Allred now wants Rush Limbaugh prosecuted for what he said about Sandra Fluke. Another thread has attacked Rush Limbaugh for what he said and so now I ask do those same people ,do you want to have Limbaugh arrested? Are you now willing to go along with the extreme radical left and ignore the Constitution? Are you willing to go along with criminalizing free speech because that is what you side is wanting? Are you willing to think for yourselves instead? Especially since evidence is coming forward that this whole thing was a political ploy. Ms Fluke is a plant which got a prominent conservative voice to attack her with unfortunate words.
Imagine a manufactured case against Sarah Palin or Rick Santorum. This is exactly like what happened to Eugene Debs in 1918.
Debs publicly questioned the use of a military draft and the Wilson administration used his words to accuse him of undermining the military, the presidency, and ultimately the United States.

http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/73829.html Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No that is ridiculous. Is Rush a stupid fat fuck for saying what he said? yes, but he has a right to his free speech. However people have a right to boycott his advertisers and him if they so choose. And that is their right as well.
I seem to remember the dixie chicks catching hell from the left too....or was it the right?

I forget , tell us JD which side gave those girls hell for 'free speech'! Originally Posted by WTF
Lmao, I was just thinking the same thing.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Im having a difficult time deciding who can come up with the most irrelevant bullshit to carp about ..

or whirlie

3 way tie? Originally Posted by CJ7
Still more whining and sniveling from the intellectually challenged CBJ7, as he nurses and seeks pity from others for his poor, weak and devastated ego. Tsk, tsk, tsk.