F daylight savings time

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-14-2012, 05:03 PM
blink and its 6pm ..

sunlight increases in summer and decreases in winter

so why do we need more daytime hours in summer when winter seems the obvious choice

there are 24 hours in a day .. you want max daylight 365 get up at sunrise and go to bed at dark ... leave the F'n clocks alone
LovingKayla's Avatar
I agree. I dislike it adamantly.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the total number of hours of daylight are the same whether it's Daylight Saving or Daylight Standard time.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-14-2012, 05:33 PM
not to correct anyone but I remember reading there are approx 3.0 (more) hours of sunlight during the summer soltice than the 1.2 hours of sunlight during the winter soltice

one thing for sure during summer I can see light on the horizon as early as 700am DST and as late as 910 pm DST
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That would happen regardless of when you set your clocks. Really. I'm pretty sure of this one.
LovingKayla's Avatar
You are correct cj. Summer solstist is a high family holiday. June 21 every year is spent on the beach with some new tea. It's the longest "day" of the year. After that the days get shorter till dec 21. Rinse. Repeat.

Daylight savings time was meant for farmers. It's completely irrelevant today. All the farmers I know don't clock in on a government clock. There's even a state that doesn't observe it at all.
I B Hankering's Avatar
That would happen regardless of when you set your clocks. Really. I'm pretty sure of this one. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG, it's a shame you have to explain this. It's funny, but it's a shame.
Summer solstice is my birthday, it's awesome having a birthday on the guaranteed longest day of the year.

I enjoy the late sunsets and the extra daylight.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 01:30 AM
COG, it's a shame you have to explain this. It's funny, but it's a shame. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

then by all means laughing boy, please expalin the tilt of the earths equatorial plane relative to the sun which is responsible for the seasons and why the shortest days are in December and the longest days are in June ... Im positive a smart guy like you can debunk why we have seasons.

You have the floor ... or the door, choose wisely. Fool.
1. it ruined the drive-in movie business

2. in texas we need it it reversed, we need it in the winter instead of the summer.

3. if we did the fall back thing once a month and never the spring forward thing, we would be less tired and we would increase domestic gross profit and productivity. the only problem is half the year we would start work at night.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I'm still trying to figure out magnets.
Iaintliein's Avatar
then by all means laughing boy, please expalin the tilt of the earths equatorial plane relative to the sun which is responsible for the seasons and why the shortest days are in December and the longest days are in June ... Im positive a smart guy like you can debunk why we have seasons.

You have the floor ... or the door, choose wisely. Fool. Originally Posted by CJ7

Well, that one's out of left field.

But it does remind me of something unrelated to the thread, but related to the above post.

I've seen news stories about the larger earthquakes moving the axis, but have never been able to find out if these movements (which I assume are random in direction) have resulted in a measurable deviation form the normal wobble. Specifically, can this offer partial explanation of the unseasonably warm winter in North America coincident with the unseasonably cold winter in Northern Europe this year?

Anybody have info?
I B Hankering's Avatar
then by all means laughing boy, please expalin the tilt of the earths equatorial plane relative to the sun which is responsible for the seasons and why the shortest days are in December and the longest days are in June ... Im positive a smart guy like you can debunk why we have seasons.

You have the floor ... or the door, choose wisely. Fool. Originally Posted by CJ7
Stupid fuck, your comments above were totally ignorant. Choke on that reality while everyone else laughs at your sorry ass.
blink and its 6pm ..

sunlight increases in summer and decreases in winter

so why do we need more daytime hours in summer when winter seems the obvious choice

there are 24 hours in a day .. you want max daylight 365 get up at sunrise and go to bed at dark ... leave the F'n clocks alone Originally Posted by CJ7
Maybe I have it wrong but daylight savings time was originally created for those farmers wasn't it? Due to having no electricity and only candlelight this way people thought they could work longer hours or something? Can someone link a wikipedia on this one? LOL

By the way, I am with you, time to do away with the ole "daylight savings time".