The liberal's astroturf attempt to boycott (and ban) Rush isn't working....things just aren't working as planned for America's leftiees these days; they(Obama included) must be feeling besieged! !!
The liberal's astroturf attempt to boycott (and ban) Rush isn't working....things just aren't working as planned for America's leftiees these days; they(Obama included) must be feeling besieged! !! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The fact that you feel the need to post this up would seem to indicate that you're the one feeling besieged.
Not one iota ..........

In fact I am feeling boyant over the political narrative that is swinging against American Progressive fanatics these days!

Obama's future is looking bleak and America's future looking brighter.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 04:54 PM
Not one iota ..........

In fact I am feeling boyant over the political narrative that is swinging against American Progressive fanatics these days!

Obama's future is looking bleak and America's future looking brighter. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

brighter? really?

apparently you havent been paying attention to the GOP candidates plan for the economy ... boyant indeed, grab TWO life vests.
That's right, your the idiot who ignores polls.

I get your blind stupidity.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 05:06 PM
damn right I ignore polls in March, 8 months BEFORE an election

so who do you intend to vote for whirlie?
Of course you ignore polls, they show your on the losing team!!!
Ignore the polls at your own peril my friend ...but they are the best indicator of current elctorate attitudes.....and the sands are shifting under Obama; despite the infighting in the Republican Primaries ...

The DNC strategy to demonize Republicans, and peel off the independent vote isn't working !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 05:15 PM
who are you voting for whirlie?
I B Hankering's Avatar
who are you voting for whirlie? Originally Posted by CJ7
It's really none of your fuckin' business, jackass.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 05:27 PM
sorry for the difficult question whirlie, the poodle humping your leg answered for you
I bet you think card check" is a good idea....
joe bloe's Avatar
brighter? really?

apparently you havent been paying attention to the GOP candidates plan for the economy ... boyant indeed, grab TWO life vests. Originally Posted by CJ7
You sure sound liberal to me.
The liberal's astroturf attempt to boycott (and ban) Rush isn't working....things just aren't working as planned for America's leftiees these days; they(Obama included) must be feeling besieged! !! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

No there are a multitude of airheade like yourself,who will worship at his feet.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 06:09 PM
You sure sound liberal to me. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Liberal, me? Really?

then do tell joe, how conservative are you, really?

For its analysis of the GOP candidates, the group compared campaign proposals to existing policies, and those it assumes will occur, including the continuation of the Bush-era tax cuts. Under that baseline, the group said, the debt would reach 85% of GDP by 2021.
Gingrich has noted that the federal budget was balanced when he was House speaker. But the budget group said the policies he's promoting now, including spending on space exploration, would increase the national debt by an additional $7 trillion over the baseline over the next decade to 114% of GDP. Santorum's policies would drive up the debt by an additional $4.5 trillion, to 104%.
Romney's proposals would increase public debt to between 85% and 96% of GDP, depending on the level of new revenue his proposals could generate in addition to the new tax policies he announced this week, the budget watchdogs said.

(FYI, The watchdog group was led by the founder of the CBO)

have a nice evening
joe bloe's Avatar
The liberal's astroturf attempt to boycott (and ban) Rush isn't working....things just aren't working as planned for America's leftiees these days; they(Obama included) must be feeling besieged! !! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Rush rules! He has single handedly advanced conservative politics more than anyone in the last 50 years. I hope he stays on the air till he's a hundred.

He's right up there with Ronald Reagan, William F Buckley and Milton Friedman.

It cracks me up that liberals can't succeed on talk radio. Their ideas can't be defended. When people call in they can't refute conservative challenges. It's almost sad.