Bill Maher Responds

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This guy is too much! He can say what he wants because he is a comedian. He is delusional, and needs medication.

I B Hankering's Avatar
This guy is too much! He can say what he wants because he is a comedian. He is delusional, and needs medication.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Maher is feeling some of the heat.

Obama Adviser David Axelrod Cancels Maher Appearance

In the wake of the Sandra Fluke controversy, conservatives have targeted comedian Bill Maher, using him as an example of a double standard when it comes to outrage over less-than-flattering comments directed at women. Part of the double standard argument also pointed to David Axelrod, one of the president’s closest advisers: How could the president call out Rush Limbaugh for his words but Axelrod felt it okay to appear on Maher’s show in the coming weeks (as has been reported)?

Well, it looks like conservatives (and some liberals) can claim a small victory: according to Politico, Axelrod has cancelled his Maher appearance.
boardman's Avatar
Ms. Obama is still planning on appearing on Letterman. I wonder if she will scold him for his remarks about Sarah Palin and her daughter...

These comedians/entertainers have the right to say whatever they want. They get paid to stir the shit. Good for them....but when a public figure goes on TV with one of them it is the same as condoning it. Didn't Obama say that we needed to have a more civil public discourse. His wife going on Letterman only serves to legitimize Letterman's statements and perpetuates the hate.

I'm simply amazed at how many people in this country base their political opinions on the comments of fucktards like Letterman, Maher, Rush, John Stewart...etc. We have become so lazy about actually participating in the political process that we have let someone else tell us what to think and how to think it by boiling things down into a few funny(by someones standards) soundbites....And then y'all want to bitch on a SHMB about what's wrong with the country by repeating those same tired lines and insults. Pathetic!!!

You people really ought to step back and take a look at yourselves and what this forum has come to. I think it happens to be a pretty good representation of a lot of the problems our country has.
I always liked Dearhunter better.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
I'm simply amazed at how many people in this country base their political opinions on the comments of fucktards like Letterman, Maher, Rush, John Stewart...etc. Originally Posted by boardman
or rush or bill orielly, or joe lieberman, or glenn beck, or sarah palin, or britt hume, or any of the other right-wing fucktard pundits. DITTO RUSH!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-16-2012, 07:05 PM
I always liked Dearhunter better. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Now that was some funny shit!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-16-2012, 07:05 PM
Through it all, I have defended Rush’s right to stay on the air! Not what he said, that was disgusting – but the right to not disappear because people who don’t even listen to you don’t like what you said. That really bothers me. I never hear Rush Limbaugh unless a guy in the next truck at a stop light has it on; it would be arrogant for me to say "he has to disappear" and deprive the people who do listen to him of what they like. We all have different tastes and different opinions, that's America.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Through it all, I have defended Rush’s right to stay on the air! Not what he said, that was disgusting – but the right to not disappear because people who don’t even listen to you don’t like what you said. That really bothers me. I never hear Rush Limbaugh unless a guy in the next truck at a stop light has it on; it would be arrogant for me to say "he has to disappear" and deprive the people who do listen to him of what they like. We all have different tastes and different opinions, that's America. Originally Posted by WTF
Do not watch Maher and do not listen to Limbaugh. The right to free speech is a double-edged sword which cuts both ways, and that is as it should be. So it wiser to insure both sides have that liberty preserved. Stifle one, and others may soon follow.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Through it all, I have defended Rush’s right to stay on the air! Not what he said, that was disgusting – but the right to not disappear because people who don’t even listen to you don’t like what you said. That really bothers me. I never hear Rush Limbaugh unless a guy in the next truck at a stop light has it on; it would be arrogant for me to say "he has to disappear" and deprive the people who do listen to him of what they like. We all have different tastes and different opinions, that's America. Originally Posted by WTF
Heaven help us, WTF got one right!

WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-16-2012, 08:33 PM
Me , Ib and cutiepie all agree.

Step back nonbelievers, for the rain will never come!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
eye hear misogyny calling!!!!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeahj Rush stooped to the level of a liberal but what he said was the truth. The lady is not some poor struggling student but a shill for the liberal agenda. Her whole purpose at Georgetown was to stir shit and try to force change at a private institution. In addition she either out and out lied, exaggerated greatly, or based on her idea of contraceptive costs is ether a slut of a prostitute. It is interesting how this purported poor student had no issues with travailing abroad to Pompeii and other European countries.

The whole thing was and orchestrated pack of lies. and I have no respect for anyone that will appear before a camera and spew lies and that include Obama.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-17-2012, 09:18 AM
Yeahj Rush stooped to the level of a liberal but what he said was the truth. The lady is not some poor struggling student but a shill for the liberal agenda. Her whole purpose at Georgetown was to stir shit and try to force change at a private institution. In addition she either out and out lied, exaggerated greatly, or based on her idea of contraceptive costs is ether a slut of a prostitute. It is interesting how this purported poor student had no issues with travailing abroad to Pompeii and other European countries.

The whole thing was and orchestrated pack of lies. and I have no respect for anyone that will appear before a camera and spew lies and that include Obama. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
they all lie, including people to the right side of politics. That institution takes money from the federal government. Just how private is it?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-17-2012, 09:19 AM
eye hear misogyny calling!!!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
its your echo