How to Defend Yourself Against People Like Me

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
DHS has sponsored a video warning people about conspiracy theorists. I'm surprised they caught me in action. My god! They ARE everywhere!!!!!

In less than two minutes, you can learn a lot!!

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Pepper spray usually works.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Watch the video, it will really help.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-17-2012, 11:49 AM
Facts always work.
joe bloe's Avatar
Facts always work. Originally Posted by CJ7
Unless you're arguing with a liberal. You can never reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-17-2012, 12:21 PM
facts are kryptonite for either side

based on my personal experience, right wingers are the only ones stupid enough to mount endless defenses against them
joe bloe's Avatar
facts are kryptonite for either side

based on my personal experience, right wingers are the only ones stupid enough to mount endless defenses against them Originally Posted by CJ7
If facts always worked the world would be a paradise. David Horowitz, one of my favorite writers, once wrote that "a lie believed with passion is a force too powerful for truth to defeat".

That's what makes liberalism so intractable; it's based on lies, but they're lies believed with passion.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-17-2012, 01:31 PM
If facts always worked the world would be a paradise. David Horowitz, one of my favorite writers, once wrote that "a lie believed with passion is a force too powerful for truth to defeat".

That's what makes liberalism so intractable; it's based on lies, but they're lies believed with passion. Originally Posted by joe bloe

thats your passionate belief
joe bloe's Avatar
thats your passionate belief Originally Posted by CJ7
In theory, if emotion clouds reason, it's impossible for anyone to ever know with certainty that they're right about anything. David Horowitz himself was a communist until he was about forty and then he did a complete 180 and became a Reagan Republican, and Horowitz is scary smart.

It's like when extremely intelligent people convert to a bizarre cult religion. They have the intelligence to the see the preposterous nature of the belief system but are unable to because they are blinded by emotion.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Geez, guys. Watch the video. It's funny. That's all.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-17-2012, 02:38 PM
oddly enough I didnt think of you when the boys were playing cornhole

IB and whirlie on the other hand ...
joe bloe's Avatar
Geez, guys. Watch the video. It's funny. That's all. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It is a funny video. It's hard to believe there really is real game called cornhole. I have a feeling the game got named before the word took on its more common meaning. It might be tough to market the game. I'd hate to have to write the advertising campaign.

I just can just see the TV commercial; a young boy tells his mom he's spent the afternoon playing cornhole with uncle Bob and it was lots of fun!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-17-2012, 07:09 PM
That's what makes liberalism so intractable; it's based on lies, but they're lies believed with passion. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Nobody in here lies (COG's suggestions that he was twice on the verge of getting a life and not posting quite so often being the obvious exceptions).

The difference in the two sides is that conservatives tend to base their positions on the fact(s) that support their positions. Liberals base their positions on the cumulative weight of all the facts.

If i had a dime for every time i got into an argument with someone using point after point after point after point with them, to only have them rebut me continuously with the one singular point they'd make over and over again...
I B Hankering's Avatar
facts are kryptonite for either sideCBJ7 is plagiarizing.

You are one seriously funny fuck. You're so stupid, you quote people you berate as stupid; thus showing you lack the intellect to be clever and original on your own. See @ nt=20

Hence, your aspirations betray your true intellectual inferiority.

based on my personal experience, right wingers are the only ones stupid enough to mount endless defenses against them
CBJ7, you do not use facts, and you time and again deny them when they are shoved in your face. You, and the other Kool Aid drinking libs in this forum stick your pea-brained heads up your asses the way an ostrich puts its head in the sand and hides from reality.

oddly enough I didnt think of you when the boys were playing cornhole

IB and whirlie on the other hand ...

Originally Posted by CJ7
I B Hankering's Avatar
Nobody in here lies (COG's suggestions that he was twice on the verge of getting a life and not posting quite so often being the obvious exceptions).

The difference in the two sides is that conservatives tend to base their positions on the fact(s) that support their positions. Liberals base their positions on the cumulative weight of all the facts.
Cumulative weight of unadulterated bullshit. Liberals in this forum use 'factual' sources, like citing witches, para-normals and 'green-weenies'. Liberals in this forum have posted sites that are completely irrelevant to the argument they are making. Liberals in this forum have posted stories that are nothing more than bogus bullshit.

If i had a dime for every time i got into an argument with someone using point after point after point after point with them, to only have them rebut me continuously with the one singular point they'd make over and over again... That is because you squirm and equivocate like a worm on a hook. Sometimes the worm has to be barbed two or three times to hold him in place. Originally Posted by Doove