I've been wondering

I've been wondering - there is a lot of energy in these threads, lots of banter, and I realise this is for non-hobby discussions, but....

I see absolutely no mention in any discussions that any of you actually fuck anything, or have any intimate relationships with anything other than your keyboard.

Are y'all celibate or something, or spend so much energy here that you can't be bothered going out to get some? Or does your experiences in your fucking life have little impact on your religious/policial/sociological opinions?

Please tell me it ain't so.

You might wonder the same thing about me, why am I posting on a Sat night when I should be down at Legends getting some strange?

(the answer to that is they are all ugly hoes there and I got a good two hour fucking this afternoon, so any female company would merely irritate with inane banter - wait, isn't that what we get here?)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This board is for non-hobby related topics.
yeah everything hobby related usually goes in the co-ed national section and I sure these guys get around as I see most of them posting in their local boards.

Yes that is right I am stalking you COG.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Stalking implies unwanted attention. However, you may stalk me all you want, gorgeous lady!
This board is for non-hobby related topics. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Of course. But surely our views of non-hobby topics are influenced in some degree to our life experiences, which I hope includes some fucking? Or is fucking a purely mechanical event which has no influence past the moment?

I mean, if somebody spends all their time trolling around Telephone Rd, surely this will influence their views on social policy?

Plus some of us have an intimate life but are (no longer) hobbyists in the conventional sense.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are thinking much to deep for this board. LOL!
Maybe this will help a bit?

If I have had a good fuck, I am at peace with the world and am a libertarian, whereas if a stripper has just scamed me, I am a staunch republican, and if I have had a good blow job I am a democrat.

OMG this is boring, how do you guys find the time, I'm off to bed to dream of wet pussies.
joe bloe's Avatar
Maybe this will help a bit?

If I have had a good fuck, I am at peace with the world and am a libertarian, whereas if a stripper has just scamed me, I am a staunch republican, and if I have had a good blow job I am a democrat.

OMG this is boring, how do you guys find the time, I'm off to bed to dream of wet pussies. Originally Posted by essence
If you had brain damage caused by advanced tertiary syphilus as, a result of careless hobbying in your reckless youth, you'd be an enthusiastic Obama supporter!
If you had brain damage caused by advanced tertiary syphilus as, a result of careless hobbying in your reckless youth, you'd be an enthusiastic Obama supporter! Originally Posted by joe bloe

I hope you are not implying the corollary is true
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-18-2012, 04:30 PM

I see absolutely no mention in any discussions that any of you actually fuck anything, or have any intimate relationships with anything other than your keyboard.
Originally Posted by essence
My friends on the right are wondering if sheep count?

What do you want, receipts?
I have been with my ATF an average twice a week for well over two years. If you want me to do more, your going to have to loan me some money.