Moving messages to folders

I am trying to free up space in my inbox to make room for more messages. I have created folders and selected messages to be moved. The first 7 messages that I selected to move, then deselected, continually become reselected and I am moving those messages from one folder to another.
Imagine my level of frustration at this point!
I have it almost all figured out but those original 7 messages continually get moved. Not only that, if I have moved messages off my main inbox, why does my inbox continue to say 100% full?
If I have moved them, wouldn't that make more space?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
If they remain anywhere in your eccie account then you are not reducing your usage size/count at all just by moving them around. You have to download them out of your eccie account entirely into a spot on your computer.
There's a couple threads on this a bit ago:

Perhaps set up a directory in your documents area. Or if others have access to your machine, onto a flash drive or portable drive.