Is anyone interested in doing doubles with me

Sophia Perez's Avatar
I often get this request and I don't have a go to friend who is friendly and reviewed that I can bring along from time to time when requested. Is anybody that is a local and consistent willing to participate??
Hi Sophia,
I know this isnt exactly what you were looking for, but if you ever get a request for a couple, we would love to join you if you are at all interested or ever get the request. We have a few reviews on TER ID 314360 and p411 P224564. We dont have a ton of reviews, mainly cause the clients prefer to stay discreet.
If you are interested let us know,
Jordyn & Junior
Sophia Perez's Avatar
Thanks for the pms and thank you jj couple as well. That is something I will keep in mind and I'm totally here for it! sounds like a blast actually.
Janelle Jax's Avatar

I just moved to Vegas from Portland, OR and am looking for a duo partner as well...
Sophia Perez's Avatar
That's awesome I will pm you
Sophia Perez's Avatar
I am also looking for a reliable friendly touring friend as well. Someone I can do doubles with traveling. So if you are also interested in this please message me.
KueenKat4's Avatar
Hey I wouldn't mind at all. I'm looking for an overall new friendship or partnership. This can break the ice, let me know hun.