If You Won the Lottery -

Which causes would you donate to, if any?

I've just picked up another deposit and since the opportunity was in the vicinity I bought another lottery ticket. As I often do.

The Powerball ticket which I bought is for $75 million tonight and that gets me thinking - $75 million, the lottery takes half of that if you get a cash payout. Then you have to pay tax on it too.

Greatly reduced, but still considerable.

I definitely have some expensive tastes, but to be honest I've been not a mega-millionaire for so long I don't think I'd feel a compulsion to burn through the money by buying something like a huge yacht for example. Even the initial $75 million would hardly be enough for that, would it? Never mind the upkeep.

I definitely would like to give money to causes I feel are worthy. Not sure how I'd do that - my general feeling is that there are too many unwanted births in the world. Human and animal. (I recently visited an animal shelter, and of course, so sad.) Where and how I would help to prevent them I'm not sure. Planned Parenthood would be a start I guess.

Plus observing charity functions around Palm Beach - well, charity giving seems a political thing, God knows where the money ends up. Don't a majority of 'charities' use a huge proportion of income for upkeep? I've known people start charities as a lucrative career move.

I think that sucks.

Very interested to hear what other people think. Who knows, I might need that insight soon.

And so might you!
Definitely to the animal shelters and education WITHIN my country.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I am from Nigeria and I would not give to any of their charities. The government will probably take it and abuse the funds. I would help those individuals in my country I know that are struggling.

The only US charities I would give to is the battered woman's shelters and habitat for humanity.

I would buy a penthouse in Lagos. Preferably Victoria Island.

I'd buy a Bugatti.

and invest the rest of the money in a profitable business. To say I would give half or even almost all the money to a charity would be a lie.
anaximander's Avatar
In my faith, you're not supposed to be concerned
how tour gift is used: the Lord will deal with cheats.

That said, if I won the lottery I'd give the ticket to Marilyn.
I'm financially okay. My wife would count every dollar,
hence I'd actually be under greater scrutiny.
Wife- not grateful for windfall
Mar- she'd be estatic

I have a strong antimaterialist bend that's
caused me more than my share of grief.
But I can't miss what was never mine.

.....now I don' t care too much about gold
and I don't give a fuck about what you been told
and I don't really care or need anyone looking after me
Cause I' m a meaner son of a bitch than that fuck
could ever be.........
John Bull's Avatar
To a major university to establish a teaching chair in a field I'm most interested in.
DallasRain's Avatar
I would give money to the MS society/cancer society/and Ronald McDonald House...charities where I have family members who may use their ""services".

then I would buy a harley & travel trailer and travel!!!!
Well...I witnessed a friend wreck and die on his almost 3 weeks ago...Since then we have been discussing and looking into starting or becoming a part of a charity for families of motorcycle crash victims. So that is where my money would go...

Already donate to a bunch of charities. I would increase the number and amount.

I would take the time, effort, and money necessary to see some of the ladies here that are now beyond my time and means.
I already told my ATF, if I won the lotto she would have to retire and be all mine .
I am from Nigeria and I would not give to any of their charities. The government will probably take it and abuse the funds. I would help those individuals in my country I know that are struggling........ Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I get an email almost every day telling me I won the Nigerian lottery!! How do I collect??

If I ever win, I would spend the money on fast cars and beautiful women and then I'd probably just waste the rest.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Lmfao. Ed, Please ignore the emails.
London Rayne's Avatar
10 percent right off the top goes to God..SHUT UP! After that, I think rather than just donate, I would actually want to build shelters all over the world for women who have been forced into sexual slavery and their children. I would build a new wing at St. Jude, build up health care in New Orleans again, and just live life to be a blessing.
I already told my ATF, if I won the lotto she would have to retire and be all mine . Originally Posted by rrabbit6926

He he, one of my clients says he'll give me a million dollars. Another says he'd like to be billionaire and marry me and then I can cuckold him. Oh well...
10 percent right off the top goes to God..SHUT UP! After that, I think rather than just donate, I would actually want to build shelters all over the world for women who have been forced into sexual slavery and their children. I would build a new wing at St. Jude, build up health care in New Orleans again, and just live life to be a blessing. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Yes I would definitely want to support women. Just very wary of a lot of entities that say they do (and definitely do not).

That's the issue with 'charity' often though, isn't it? Such a distance between giver and receiver. Stated intention and real intention.

I like the idea of money going straight to people who need it. Like L'il Wayne showering strippers in a Miami strip joint recently with $250,000. That wasn't charity but I bet a lot of that money went to single mothers who need it.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Like L'il Wayne showering strippers in a Miami strip joint recently with $250,000. That wasn't charity but I bet a lot of that money went to single mothers who need it. Originally Posted by AphroditeAmanda
I'm gonna bite. Amanda now what do you know about LilWayne? LOL. Love it.