"Obamacare is going 2 lower the cost of medical care & make it available to more people.
there would b no car industry and jobs without Barrack. Plus, we need the green jobs. its the way of the future.
economy is better than what it was under Bush. Bush ruined the economy and Barrack took the car keys away from Republicsans and is getting the car out of the ditch. sure its taking to long, but we r moving in the right direction. Obama has companssion 4 the unemployed & poor & gave 'em something 2 live on until they get jobs.
we have more support in the Arab world. do you think the Arab spring would have happened without Barrack? Democracy is growing in the middleeast!
America got a lot to apologize 4. Slavery. Exploiting the poor countries. You dont get as rich as America without stealing from someone."