Do you see any of the potential GOP candidates being chosen as VP running mate?

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Ok barring some drastic change it looks like the GOP nomination is for Romney or Perry to lose -although anything can happen- but do you see any of the other people running as possible VP selections? For example if Romney wins could you see him choosing Cain or Bachman as a running mate? Or would a Perry/Paul or a Perry/Huntsman ticket do well?
I honestly think the only ones I could see accepting a VP nod is either Huntsman/Santorum- I think all the other ones have too big of an ego to play second fiddle. I honestly think whoever wins will choose a well known VP as running mate like Christie or Rubio- I doubt very seriously we will have a Sarah Palin type surprise.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think Herman Cain is a good bet for VP.
It appears that Sam Frick will be the Republican nominee and he will select Bob Frack as his running mate! It will be a close race but the Stanley Laurel and Oliver Hardy team does not have the delegate strength to win the nomination!

Rumor has it that Larry, Curly and Moe will cast the deciding votes for Frick and Frack at the 2012 Republican National Convention.

Frick and Frack in 2012!!!!!

I think Herman Cain is a good bet for VP. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Another Minority Candidate takes the #2 spot on the Republican Ticket?

You betcha! That worked out mighty well for you guys in 2008, didn't it?
Miss_Mya's Avatar
I think Herman Cain is a good bet for VP. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

I agree COG. I think that Cain also would be a good bet on the VP side. I did like him in the last debate. I am looking forward to watching the next one to see how well he fairs.
TheDaliLama's Avatar

Another Minority Candidate takes the #2 spot on the Republican Ticket?
Originally Posted by bigtex
Yes we Cain!
waverunner234's Avatar
Perry would probably go with Bobbie Jindal. But he won't get there anyway.
The rest? I wouldn't be surprised of anything.
Power and money can lead to strange marriages.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
BigTex, you assume too much. When did I say I was a Republican or that I supported Cain for anything? I just said he would be a good choice for VP, from a political standpoint. I am not one of the "you guys" who supported McCain/Palin in 2008.

However, I will admit it would be tempting to vote for Cain for President, even if he is a Republican, but I won't vote for him for VP with one of those other clowns in the President slot, except for Gary Johnson.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Perry would be a decent GOP VP pick for Romney and vice-versa. Hunstman could be a decent pick for Perry. None of the others have a prayer.

As for Cain, you've got to be kidding. He would cost the Republican huge numbers of votes in the South. I can't off hand think of a State it would cost them since Obama is very likely to be the opposing candidate, but ya'll underestimate how racist a significant portion of the Southern GOP base is. It would reduce GOP turnout in my county 25%.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Ok barring some drastic change it looks like the GOP nomination is for Romney or Perry to lose -although anything can happen- but do you see any of the other people running as possible VP selections? For example if Romney wins could you see him choosing Cain or Bachman as a running mate? Or would a Perry/Paul or a Perry/Huntsman ticket do well?
I honestly think the only ones I could see accepting a VP nod is either Huntsman/Santorum- I think all the other ones have too big of an ego to play second fiddle. I honestly think whoever wins will choose a well known VP as running mate like Christie or Rubio- I doubt very seriously we will have a Sarah Palin type surprise. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Perry's ship is sinking! The boat is listing and he's taking on water fast. Thats one of the few things the mainstream media has gotten right about Rick Perry. Each debate he has participated in it's only gotten worse and worse, and he's one of the two getting the most speaking time besides Romney. Perry's definitely not quick witted.

I don't think Romney would choose Cain or Bachman as a VP. It's pretty evident that Romney is going to be a pro Wall St. fat cat and pro banker bail out type of guy. I can't see any GOP candidate choosing Rick Perry as a VP. Rick Perry is turning out to be political poison on the grand stage even though the establishment republicans would love to welcome Perry to the White House.

One things for sure, you will never see a Perry/Paul ticket! That will never happen. The elites that run this country don't want to see Ron Paul win. The people that are pro BIG government don't want to see Ron Paul win either. The only GOP candidate that is going to choose Ron Paul as their VP is Governor Johnson and he's not going to get the nomination. Santorum is not going to get the nomination either because he is pro war and wants the country in another conflict which is highly unpopular right now. All you have to do is listen to Santorum talk in these debates to find that out. I don't think Newt's going to get it either. Bachman no way Jose. The establishment knows that Bachman would not fare well against Obama. They want someone who can win against Obama.

Huntsman said he would take Cain as his VP but I don't trust Cain because I believe he was a board member of one of the branches of the federal reserve. Cain is status quo all the way, keep things as they are, no change. The difference between Cain and Obama is that Cain is a true black man 100%, Obama is not. This is coming from the perspective of someone who is not black, I'm just putting that out there. If it came down to Cain and Obama I would choose Cain, but I no that he is not going to solve our problems. Why? Because Herman Cain is RICH, thats why! Rich people think differently from you and I. If you've ever seen that movie "Platoon" by Oliver Stone there's an important quote by King (Keith David), "Shiiit, you gotta be rich in the first place to think like that. Ever'body know, the poor are always being fucked over by the rich. Always have, always will." There's a lot of truth in that line!

The achilles heel for Herman Cain is that he's never been a politician. However, I do think he is handling himself quite well for never being a politician. Second, most Americans view Obama as black, the majority of white voters are not going to put another black man in the white house so soon unless he's a Ron Paul type truly for the people. Even though Obama does stand a chance for reelection since he is the incumbent. Third, Cain's not getting promoted by the GOP establishment like Perry and Romney are. I'll give Cain some credit though because he threw his hat in the ring as a businessman unlike Donald Trump.

I agree with you on Sarah Palin, she's out of the equation.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah yes, southern Republicans are racist. Everyone knows that. Even though the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed against the votes of southern senators who were Democrats, the Republicans are racist. Man, TTH, you are a piece of work.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
CuteOldGuy if you look at the 2008 electoral vote map McCain did pick up most of the states from what people would classify as the south. I just don't think Cain's going to get the Republican nomination. He's making himself known but he just isn't going to do it.

The media loves to use race as a way to split the people and the vote. Divide the people and conquer.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Cain won't get the nomination because he is not an elitist. I like him, but I like Gary Johnson better. I have no plans to support a Democrat or Republican in this election.

However, because the South voted for an experienced Senator and war hero over an African-American community organizer and very short term Senator, they are racist? They sound intelligent rather than racist. And I bet Cain would carry those same states.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Cain won't get the nomination because he is not an elitist. I like him, but I like Gary Johnson better. I have no plans to support a Democrat or Republican in this election.

However, because the South voted for an experienced Senator and war hero over an African-American community organizer and very short term Senator, they are racist? They sound intelligent rather than racist. And I bet Cain would carry those same states. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't see Cain getting the nomination either but if he did, I'm sure he would serve the elitists well. I like Johnson's views as well but I think Ron Paul would get the nod before him. I can't blame you for not supporting a democrat or republican, because it's just going to be a continuance of whats been going on in this country, no change at all.

I voted for McCain in the last election but I knew that Obama was going to win. I just knew it and it came out to be true. The election in 2008 really wasn't close at all. It was an easy win for the democrats. The people who trusted Obama and had hope, boy did they ever get DUPED! I truly don't see how any Obama voter in the last election can defend him and say he's done a great job overall as president. No doubt it would have been a tough job for any president regardless of what party affiliation they represented. Things are too far gone economically and there has to be drastic measures taken to fix the U.S. When he got elected I was eager to see how Obama was going to do as president. It didn't take long to get the answer! The media sold the hoax and the people bought it hands down.

If you put McCain in Obama's place over the same time line it would have just been the same shit overall, just a different face. The sad thing is that no president will have the balls to bring the troops home, just wasting more money and lives unless 2 candidates get into office. It's at the point now to where that question is getting ridiculous. Obama screwed up in the last election where he preached and used the line that he was going to bring our troops home, he can't say that this time around.
pyramider's Avatar
I just hope the Bachmanns and Palins will fade away.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-30-2011, 09:52 AM

Psssst... Marco Rubio Will Be on the Ticket

They need to win the swing state of Flordia