Republicans Stunned Into Silence After Obama Economy Posts Massive Jobs Gains

Republicans have responded to the good economic news with stone cold silence because they can’t admit that their policies have failed, their nominee is a joke, and America is doing just fine under a Democratic president.

Full article:
Republicans have responded to the good economic news with stone cold silence because they can’t admit that their policies have failed, their nominee is a joke, and America is doing just fine under a Democratic president.

Full article: Originally Posted by SassySue
This is a total crock of shit. If there were "Job Gains" by this stupid race baiting ass of a president we wouldn't have all this protesting going on in multiple states. Those people would have jobs and a life and they wouldn't be sitting in the middle of the fucking streets like a bunch of useless pieces of shit like they are doing in BRLA. Your Liberal president is an idiot.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I'm a Republican SS.

I'm stunned that my business has gone down the shitter and I can no longer afford health insurance.

I'm stunned that half of my friends have lost their jobs.

I'm stunned that I had to liquidate my assets just to put food on my table.

I'm stunned that you would even post garbage like this!

But Hay! I'm so glad that so many people have given up trying to look for a job so that you can come on here and boast about what a fantastic job Barack Obama is doing.

Wake me up if GDP ever gets above 3%.

Btw.....shouldn't you wait until noon before hittin the hooch?
Rimjobs? Blowjobs?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Republicans have responded to the good economic news with stone cold silence because they can’t admit that their policies have failed, their nominee is a joke, and America is doing just fine under a Democratic president.

Full article: Originally Posted by SassySue
Are you sick, stupid, or horribly misinformed? I know, that stupid thing may make you feel bad but you know what? You keep posting links and making stupid comments. I wonder what your definition of massive is....hey, I've got a "massive" cock. Those massive jobs are under, repeat UNDER, the amount of jobs to stay even in this country and the unemployment rate when up by .2%. And those are the cooked numbers not the real ones. Maybe you should just admit to the stupid part and crawl home.
BigLouie's Avatar
I'm a Republican SS.

I'm stunned that my business has gone down the shitter and I can no longer afford health insurance.

I'm stunned that half of my friends have lost their jobs.

I'm stunned that I had to liquidate my assets just to put food on my table.

I'm stunned that you would even post garbage like this!

But Hay! I'm so glad that so many people have given up trying to look for a job so that you can come on here and boast about what a fantastic job Barack Obama is doing.

Wake me up if GDP ever gets above 3%.

Btw.....shouldn't you wait until noon before hittin the hooch? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
What friends? You play so much golf you forgot you had employees. Half your friends don't have jobs because they are so old they retired.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
What friends? You play so much golf you forgot you had employees. Half your friends don't have jobs because they are so old they retired. Originally Posted by BigLouie

I can't afford to play golf anymore. You'll find me under the Beltway and 249 with my clubs and a sign that reads "Will golf for food".

And the other half of my friends are in jail.
LexusLover's Avatar
I can't afford to play golf anymore. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
BL is just whining, ....
......because too many folks are carrying their own bags these days!

Not everyone has to, of course ....

This "Sue" Troll character should be put on ignore... but it will come back like a fungus... repeat, the ignore... don't bump this 0zombie.

BigLouie's Avatar
I can't afford to play golf anymore. You'll find me under the Beltway and 249 with my clubs and a sign that reads "Will golf for food".

And the other half of my friends are in jail. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Ha! What a lie. You're under that bridge because Sir Donald Kingdom kicked you out of the snooker room at the Ikoyi Club when he enforced rule 4(m) of the club's rules upon you
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Ha! What a lie. You're under that bridge because Sir Donald Kingdom kicked you out of the snooker room at the Ikoyi Club when he enforced rule 4(m) of the club's rules upon you Originally Posted by BigLouie

I am 100% sure that the company you work for is booming and can't fill all the open positions it has due to all the pro-growth Obama policies right?

Oh.... and the "Provider" Industry is bigger and better now than before 2008. Seems like the prices haven't changed and the quality is much less than "The good ole days" since there is so much extra cash in our pockets.... right Big Louie?

But of course not everyone can afford to leave the country and give the jobs to Brazilians.

Right..... Bare Back Big Louie?
Republicans have responded to the good economic news with stone cold silence because they can’t admit that their policies have failed, their nominee is a joke, and America is doing just fine under a Democratic president.

Full article: Originally Posted by SassySue
I can only assume you are illiterate.

Even this article admits that the 287K jobs in June are a bounce-back from May's low number. It turn out that only 38K jobs were created in May, while 162K were expected. That is pathetic.

And job numbers are almost always revised DOWN after the initial report. So even that 287K jobs for June is bullshit. In another 3 months, you will probably find out it was less than 200K. Couple that with the awful 38K in May and we are still doing terrible.

And what jobs were created in June are biased towards seasonal work. It is summer and schools are getting out, people are going on vacation. All those summer jobs (low paying) will disappear in September.

But after 8 years of a shitty recovery, I guess Democrats have defined "recovery" downward.
I can only assume you are illiterate.

Even this article admits that the 287K jobs in June are a bounce-back from May's low number. It turn out that only 38K jobs were created in May, while 162K were expected. That is pathetic.

And job numbers are almost always revised DOWN after the initial report. So even that 287K jobs for June is bullshit. In another 3 months, you will probably find out it was less than 200K. Couple that with the awful 38K in May and we are still doing terrible.

And what jobs were created in June are biased towards seasonal work. It is summer and schools are getting out, people are going on vacation. All those summer jobs (low paying) will disappear in September.

But after 8 years of a shitty recovery, I guess Democrats have defined "recovery" downward. Originally Posted by Revenant
Naturally, if there's any good news under Obama's presidency, the GOP will find a way to downplay it. All right then, it's a crock full of shit, okay?
Gotyour6's Avatar
Job growth is a fact

You people need to admit it.

I can tell you I know a few people with two jobs.

The selfish fucks. If they didnt need sleep and family time they would get three jobs.

It is a pro liberal site.

If it were pro republican it would say it sucks.

Stop reading the news and look around for the truth.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is the slowest "recovery" since 1949. More people are out of than ever before. Many of the employed are underemployed. Middle class wages are stagnant or dropping. The jobs created are primarily service jobs.

This is not a healthy economy, not by any stretch of the imagination.