Global inequality: How the U.S. compares

Is the United States really the "land of opportunity"? As it happens, the U.S. has one of the most unequal income distributions in the developed world, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development — even after taxes and social-welfare policies are taken into account. See this comparison:

Despite the myth of social mobility, poor Americans have a SLIM CHANCE of rising to the upper middle class.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Is the United States really the "land of opportunity"? As it happens, the U.S. has one of the most unequal income distributions in the developed world, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development — even after taxes and social-welfare policies are taken into account. See this comparison:

Despite the myth of social mobility, poor Americans have a SLIM CHANCE of rising to the upper middle class.
Originally Posted by SassySue
Your every post shows you to be a envious, covetous bitch. Regardless of what "the other guy has and you don't", the average American enjoys a lifestyle unequaled by 92% of the people in the rest of the world; plus, every country that has been rated higher than the U.S. has a substantially smaller, racially and ethnically more homogeneous population than the U.S. -- so the dictates of your lib-retard cohorts to import tens of thousands more ethnic minorities is obscene, since it would demonstrably make things worse: not better.

CIA Factbook

The Economist
Your every post shows you to be a envious, covetous bitch. Regardless of what "the other guy has and you don't", the average American enjoys a lifestyle unequaled by 92% of the people in the rest of the world; plus, every country that has been rated higher than the U.S. has a substantially smaller, racially and ethnically more homogeneous population than the U.S. -- so the dictates of your lib-retard cohorts to import tens of thousands more ethnic minorities is obscene, since it would demonstrably make things worse: not better.

CIA Factbook

The Economist Originally Posted by I B Hankering
This is a serious problem and it's a global problem. I'm not envious, I care about the rest of the world. I see how others struggle, and, yes, I have struggled myself as a middle working class American. Just because you don't care to address the problem or want to talk about it won't make it go away. There are a lot of people interested in this topic, many of whom don't post on here. This board is mainly dominated by rigid GOP posters. I think it's refreshing I can bring a different view to the board in a way that is not derogatory to others. The following link contains global statistics on inequality and if you note, most of the wealth in the world is concentrated in the United States! It's staggering. Maybe if you had a little more compassion for the rest of the world, like children, families, and seniors who are starving, a lot of them right here in the United States, many of them homeless, without warm clothing, you would think twice before putting me down for posting some very obvious truths. By the way, have you ever been homeless yourself? I doubt it. Also, I doubt that you ever take the time to look at the charts or graphs in my links. You only believe what you want to believe in order to justify your own truth. And, you certainly have a right to that truth. However, I also have a right to mine and you have no right to degrade me for my truth, no matter how different it is than yours.
I B Hankering's Avatar
This is a serious problem and it's a global problem. I'm not envious, I care about the rest of the world. I see how others struggle, and, yes, I have struggled myself as a middle working class American. Just because you don't care to address the problem or want to talk about it won't make it go away. There are a lot of people interested in this topic, many of whom don't post on here. This board is mainly dominated by rigid GOP posters. I think it's refreshing I can bring a different view to the board in a way that is not derogatory to others. The following link contains global statistics on inequality and if you note, most of the wealth in the world is concentrated in the United States! It's staggering. Maybe if you had a little more compassion for the rest of the world, like children, families, and seniors who are starving, a lot of them right here in the United States, many of them homeless, without warm clothing, you would think twice before putting me down for posting some very obvious truths. By the way, have you ever been homeless yourself? I doubt it. Also, I doubt that you ever take the time to look at the charts or graphs in my links. You only believe what you want to believe in order to justify your own truth. And, you certainly have a right to that truth. However, I also have a right to mine and you have no right to degrade me for my truth, no matter how different it is than yours.
Originally Posted by SassySue

But, but, but, didn't you know that the United States funnels trillions of tax payer dollars to feed the hungry and ... and care for the sick? Oh, that's right, you want to be a generous and giving citizen of Mexico -- which doesn't even rate measuring on the graph below (which does not include the billions in private, corporate and ecclesiastical U.S. donations -- and the U.S. also trumps all other nations in non-government donations):

SissySucker is a BOT, don't waste your time!


Spell Syllables


a device or piece of software that can execute commands, reply to messages, or perform routine tasks, as online searches, either automatically or with minimal human intervention (often used in combination):

Copy and paste this and see what SissySucker has to say... "bot, zere, you makes me chadderbox, and dakes op all my dime!"

But, but, but, Income Disparity and the Middle Class: A few Myths and Misconceptions:

Among OECD countries, the US has the greatest income inequality after taxes and public transfers ("Gini" measure). Is that something we should be proud of?
I B Hankering's Avatar
But, but, but, Income Disparity and the Middle Class: A few Myths and Misconceptions:

Among OECD countries, the US has the greatest income inequality after taxes and public transfers ("Gini" measure). Is that something we should be proud of?
Originally Posted by SassySue

Your covetous focus on what someone else has that you don't have doesn't change the fact that the average American citizen is still far better off than 92% of the rest of the world's people.
But, but, but, Income Disparity and the Middle Class: A few Myths and Misconceptions:

Among OECD countries, the US has the greatest income inequality after taxes and public transfers ("Gini" measure). Is that something we should be proud of? Originally Posted by SassySue
Income inequality is a feature of a Capitalist economy. It's really not even inequality but rather variants in income potentials. A Socialist country has less variants in income because production, job growth, and income are controlled by the government. Income in Socialists countries is a flat line very little variants, very little potential for personal growth. In a Capitalist country potential for personal growth exists and is easily attainable. Some will prosper, others won't. Whatever your lot in life is you had the most control over it. The argument of "Income Inequality" is simply a liberal concept that serves no purpose in a Capitalist Country like America.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The kind of income inequality in income we have now is not a result of capitalism. It is the result of the crony capitalism (fascism) system we now have. Big corporate CEOs are not chosen for their intelligence or ingenuity, they are hired because they know how to manipulate politicians to get favorable legislation for them, and harmful legislation for their smaller competitors. They buy politicians and bureaucrats to do their bidding. In an honest and open free market system this would not happen. Companies would have to genuinely compete. When the government picks the winners, the winners pick the government.
Your covetous focus on what someone else has that you don't have doesn't change the fact that the average American citizen is still far better off than 92% of the rest of the world's people.

That comparison has nothing to do with what I am talking about and you know it. If we do not address the growing gap of inequality in our country, it will only get worse. Something needs to be done about it. It's one of the main reasons more and more Americans are voting Democrat; even Americans who don't see themselves as Democrats, but Independents, are leaning toward Democrat. They see the GOP as too extreme in their view. Your selfish and greedy and in your own little world. You could care less about people in this country who struggle every day just to make ends meet. And these are families who work hard, sometimes at two jobs. These are families in which capitalism has not worked for them, but only those at the top. As I said before, in the system we have today in America, it is almost, if not, impossible to get ahead as a middle class or poor working American, and that is a fact.

This is why the middle class can’t get ahead
I B Hankering's Avatar
That comparison has nothing to do with what I am talking about and you know it. If we do not address the growing gap of inequality in our country, it will only get worse. Something needs to be done about it. It's one of the main reasons more and more Americans are voting Democrat; even Americans who don't see themselves as Democrats, but Independents, are leaning toward Democrat. They see the GOP as too extreme in their view. Your selfish and greedy and in your own little world. You could care less about people in this country who struggle every day just to make ends meet. And these are families who work hard, sometimes at two jobs. These are families in which capitalism has not worked for them, but only those at the top. As I said before, in the system we have today in America, it is almost, if not, impossible to get ahead as a middle class or poor working American, and that is a fact.

This is why the middle class can’t get ahead
Originally Posted by SassySue
The level of your envy is obscene and deserving of ridicule! The middle class in this country -- and this country's poor -- are ahead of hundreds of millions of other people, and that's a fact!
The level of your envy is obscene and deserving of ridicule! The middle class in this country -- and this country's poor -- are ahead of hundreds of millions of other people, and that's a fact! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You've got it all wrong dude. All the money in the world can never buy happiness. I don't need very much to be happy. I'm certainly not greedy. Maybe you should get laid more often.
LexusLover's Avatar
This is a serious problem and it's a global problem. Originally Posted by SassySue
It's too bad Hillarious-No-More and her Do-Nothing Boss didn't resolve it!!!!!

They've had almost eight years, plus she had eight years before that with Bill!

She's had 16 years (more if you throw in being a Senator) and you want to give her another 8 years? She's a dumbshit, do-nothing, who begs for money.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You've got it all wrong dude. All the money in the world can never buy happiness. I don't need very much to be happy. I'm certainly not greedy. Maybe you should get laid more often. Originally Posted by SassySue
You'd be the petulant, covetous bitch crying "waaaa, waaaa, waaaa" look at what they have and they aren't sharing it with you. And you're also a dishonest, covetous bitch when you claim that "money can't buy happiness" and then continuously grouse that the government should tax away the wealth of the successful so that it can give it to failures like you.
You'd be the petulant, covetous bitch crying "waaaa, waaaa, waaaa" look at what they have and they aren't sharing it with you. And you're also a dishonest, covetous bitch when you claim that "money can't buy happiness" and then continuously grouse that the government should tax away the wealth of the successful so that it can give it to failures like you. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
+ 1 !!!!!!